
White-winged shrike-tanager Lanio versicolor, copyright Andre Grassi.

Belongs within: Passeroidea.
Contains: Dacnis, Ramphocelus, Conirostrum, Sicalis, Diglossa, Sporophila, Saltator, Tangara, Poospiza, Thlypopsis.

The Thraupidae, tanagers, are a diverse, mostly Neotropical, group of birds primarily associated by molecular data. In the past, the family has been recognised as an assemblage of mostly brightly coloured, frugivorous or nectarivorous birds; however, more recent phylogenetic analyses have indicated that the clade also includes a number of duller-coloured granivorous forms, while some species previously included in the family have been placed elsewhere.

<==Thraupidae [Coerebidae, Dacninae, Tanagrinae, Thraupinae, Thraupini]
    |--+--+--+--Dacnis BKB15
    |  |  |  `--Tersina Vieillot 1819 JT12, B94 (see below for synonymy)
    |  |  |       |--‘Procnias’ occidentalis SS66b
    |  |  |       `--T. viridis JF06
    |  |  `--Cyanerpes JT12
    |  |       |--+--C. caeruleus BKB15
    |  |       |  `--C. cyaneus BKB15
    |  |       `--+--C. lucidus BKB15
    |  |          `--C. nitidus JT12
    |  `--+--+--Conothraupis BKB15
    |     |  |    |--C. mesoleuca JT12
    |     |  |    `--C. speculigera JF06
    |     |  `--+--Volatinia jacarina BKB15
    |     |     |    |--V. j. jacarina FS55
    |     |     |    |--V. j. atronitens FS55
    |     |     |    `--V. j. splendens S18
    |     |     `--+--+--+--Coryphospingus BKB15
    |     |        |  |  |    |--C. cucullatus JF06
    |     |        |  |  |    `--C. pileatus JT12
    |     |        |  |  `--+--Rhodospingus cruentus JT12
    |     |        |  |     `--+--‘Tachyphonus’ cristatus JT12
    |     |        |  |        `--+--‘Tachyphonus’ luctuosus JT12
    |     |        |  |           `--‘Tachyphonus’ rufiventer JT12
    |     |        |  `--+--‘Tachyphonus’ delatrii BKB15
    |     |        |     `--+--+--‘Tachyphonus’ surinamus BKB15
    |     |        |        |  `--+--Trichothraupis melanops BKB15
    |     |        |        |     `--Eucometis JT12
    |     |        |        |          |--E. cristata S18
    |     |        |        |          `--E. penicillata JT12
    |     |        |        `--Lanio BKB15
    |     |        |             |--L. versicolor JT12
    |     |        |             |    |--L. v. versicolor C88
    |     |        |             |    `--L. v. parvus C88
    |     |        |             `--+--L. fulvus JT12
    |     |        |                |    |--L. f. fulvus C88
    |     |        |                |    `--L. f. peruvianus C88
    |     |        |                `--+--L. aurantius JT12
    |     |        |                   `--L. leucothorax JT12
    |     |        `--+--Ramphocelus BKB15
    |     |           `--Tachyphonus Vieillot 1816 BKB15, B94 [Tachyphoninae]
    |     |                |--T. phoenicius JT12
    |     |                `--+--T. coronatus JT12
    |     |                   `--T. rufus JT12
    |     `--+--+--Conirostrum BKB15
    |        |  `--+--+--Sicalis BKB15
    |        |     |  `--+--+--Melanodera melanodera BKB15
    |        |     |     |  `--+--‘Phrygilus’ atriceps BKB15
    |        |     |     |     `--+--‘Phrygilus’ gayi BKB15
    |        |     |     |        `--‘Phrygilus’ patagonicus BKB15
    |        |     |     `--+--Melanodera xanthogramma BKB15
    |        |     |        `--+--Rowettia goughensis BKB15
    |        |     |           `--Nesospiza BKB15
    |        |     |                |--N. acunhae JT12
    |        |     |                |--N. questi JT12
    |        |     |                `--N. wilkinsi JT12
    |        |     `--+--Diglossa BKB15
    |        |        `--+--+--Xenodacnis parina BKB15
    |        |           |  `--+--Idiopsar brachyurus JT12
    |        |           |     `--‘Phrygilus’ dorsalis JT12
    |        |           `--+--Catamenia BKB15
    |        |              |    |--C. analis JT12
    |        |              |    |--C. analoides Scl66a
    |        |              |    |--C. homochroa JT12
    |        |              |    `--C. inornata JF06
    |        |              `--+--+--‘Phrygilus’ plebejus BKB15
    |        |                 |  `--‘Phrygilus’ unicolor BKB15
    |        |                 `--Haplospiza Cabanis 1851 JT12, B94 [Haplospizinae]
    |        |                      |--H. unicolor JT12
    |        |                      `--+--H. rustica JT12
    |        |                         `--Acanthidops bairdii JT12
    |        `--+--Oryzoborus Cabanis 1851 BKB15, B94
    |           |    |  i. s.: O. atrirostris JT12
    |           |    |         O. nuttingi JT12
    |           |    |         O. torridus SS66a
    |           |    |--+--O. angolensis JT12
    |           |    |  `--O. funereus JT12
    |           |    `--+--O. crassirostris JT12
    |           |       `--O. maximiliani JT12
    |           `--Sporophila BKB15
    `--+--+--Sericossypha albocristata BKB15
       |  `--+--+--+--Iridophanes pulcherrimus BKB15 [=Tangara pulcherrima JF06]
       |     |  |  `--Chlorophanes JT12
       |     |  |       |--C. atricapilla SS66a
       |     |  |       `--C. spiza JF06
       |     |  |            |--C. s. spiza S18
       |     |  |            `--C. s. guatemalensis S18
       |     |  `--+--Parkerthraustes humeralis BKB15
       |     |     `--+--Heterospingus BKB15
       |     |        |    |--H. rubrifrons JT12
       |     |        |    `--H. xanthopygius JF06
       |     |        `--+--Chrysothlypis BKB15
       |     |           |    |--C. chrysomelas JT12
       |     |           |    `--C. salmoni JT12
       |     |           `--Hemithraupis Cabanis 1850 BKB15, B94 [Hemithraupinae]
       |     |                |--H. flavicollis JF06
       |     |                |--H. guira JT12
       |     |                `--H. ruficapilla JT12
       |     `--+--Phrygilus BKB15
       |        |    |  i. s.: P. erythronotus JT12
       |        |    |         P. geospizopsis Scl66b
       |        |    |         P. punensis JT12
       |        |    |--P. fruticeti BKB15
       |        |    `--+--Porphyrospiza caerulescens BKB15
       |        |       `--+--P. alaudinus JT12
       |        |          `--P. carbonarius JT12
       |        `--+--+--Rhodinocichla Hartlaub 1853 BKB15, B94 [Rhodinocichlinae]
       |           |  |    `--R. rosea A61
       |           |  |         |--R. r. rosea S18
       |           |  |         `--R. r. eximia S18
       |           |  `--+--Embernagra BKB15
       |           |     |    |--E. longicauda JT12
       |           |     |    `--E. platensis JF06
       |           |     `--Emberizoides JT12
       |           |          |--E. duidae JT12
       |           |          |--E. herbicola JT12
       |           |          `--E. ypiranganus JT12
       |           `--+--Nemosia Vieillot 1816 BKB15, B945 [Nemosiinae]
       |              |    |--N. fulvescens [incl. N. fulviceps] SS66a
       |              |    |--N. guira SS66a
       |              |    |--N. pileata JF06
       |              |    |--N. rourei JT12
       |              |    `--N. sordida SS66a
       |              `--Saltator BKB15 [Saltatorinae]
       `--+--+--+--Coereba Vieillot 1808 BKB15, B94 (see below for synonymy)
          |  |  |       |--*C. flaveola (Linnaeus 1758) [=Certhia flaveola, Nectarinia flaveola] B94
          |  |  |       `--C. mexicana S18
          |  |  `--+--‘Tiaris’ olivaceus BKB15
          |  |     |    |--T. o. olivaceus S18
          |  |     |    `--T. o. pusilla S18
          |  |     `--+--+--Euneornis Fitzinger 1856 BKB15, B94 (see below for synonymy)
          |  |        |  |    `--E. campestris JF06
          |  |        |  `--+--Melopyrrha nigra BKB15
          |  |        |     `--Loxigilla BKB15
          |  |        |          |--L. barbadensis JT12
          |  |        |          |--L. portoricensis JF06
          |  |        |          |    |--L. p. portoricensis FP64
          |  |        |          |    `--L. p. grandis FP64
          |  |        |          `--L. violacea JF06
          |  |        `--+--Loxipasser anoxanthus BKB15
          |  |           `--+--‘Loxigilla’ noctis BKB15
          |  |              `--+--‘Tiaris’ canorus BKB15
          |  |                 |--+--‘Amaurospiza’ moesta BKB15
          |  |                 |  `--+--Melanospiza richardsoni BKB15
          |  |                 |     `--‘Tiaris’ bicolor JT12
          |  |                 `--+--‘Geospiza’ fortis BKB15
          |  |                    `--Tiaris BKB15
          |  |                         |--T. fuliginosus JT12
          |  |                         `--T. obscurus JT12
          |  `--+--+--Stephanophorus diadematus BKB15
          |     |  `--+--+--Diuca BKB15
          |     |     |  |    |--D. diuca JT12
          |     |     |  |    `--D. speculifera JT12
          |     |     |  `--+--Neothraupis fasciata JT12      
          |     |     |     `--Lophospingus BKB15
          |     |     |          |--L. griseocristatus JT12
          |     |     |          `--L. pusillus JT12
          |     |     `--+--Gubernatrix cristata BKB15
          |     |        `--+--+--Schistochlamys JT12
          |     |           |  |    |--S. melanopis JF06
          |     |           |  |    `--S. ruficapillus JT12
          |     |           |  `--Cissopis Vieillot 1816 JT12, B94 [Cissopinae]
          |     |           |       |--C. leverianus JT12
          |     |           |       `--C. media SS66a
          |     |           `--Paroaria JT12
          |     |                |  i. s.: P. cucullata WBSJ82
          |     |                |--P. dominicana JT12
          |     |                `--+--P. gularis BKB15
          |     |                   `--+--P. baeri BKB15
          |     |                     `--+--P. capitata BKB15
          |     |                        `--P. coronata BKB15
          |     `--+--+--Tangara BKB15
          |        |  `--Chlorochrysa BKB15
          |        |       |--C. phoenicotis JT12
          |        |       `--+--C. calliparaea JT12
          |        |          `--C. nitidissima JT12
          |        `--+--+--Calochaetes coccineus BKB15
          |           |  `--+--+--Chlorornis riefferii BKB15
          |           |     |  `--+--‘Saltator’ rufiventris JT12
          |           |     |     `--+--Delothraupis castaneoventris JT12
          |           |     |        `--Dubusia taeniata JT12
          |           |     `--+--+--‘Thraupis’ cyanocephala BKB15
          |           |        |  `--Buthraupis BKB15
          |           |        |       |--B. montana JT12
          |           |        |       `--+--B. aureodorsalis JT12
          |           |        |          `--B. eximia JT12
          |           |        `--Anisognathus BKB15
          |           |             |--+--A. melanogenys BKB15
          |           |             |  `--+--A. igniventris JT12
          |           |             |     `--A. lacrymosus JT12
          |           |             `--+--‘Buthraupis’ wetmorei BKB15
          |           |                `--+--A. notabilis BKB15
          |           |                   `--+--A. flavinuchus BKB15
          |           |                      `--A. somptuosus BKB15
          |           `--+--+--‘Thraupis’ bonariensis BKB15
          |              |  `--Pipraeidea melanonota JT12
          |              `--+--Iridosornis JT12
          |                 |    |--+--I. analis JT12
          |                 |    |  `--I. porphyrocephalus JT12
          |                 |    `--+--I. jelskii JT12
          |                 |       `--+--I. reinhardti JT12
          |                 |          `--I. rufivertex JT12
          |                 `--+--Wetmorethraupis sterrhopteron JT12
          |                    `--Bangsia JT12
          |                         |--B. arcaei JT12
          |                         `--+--+--B. aureocincta JT12
          |                            |  `--B. edwardsi JT12
          |                            `--+--B. melanochlamys JT12
          |                               `--B. rothschildi JT12
          `--+--Creurgops BKB15
             |    |--C. dentatus JT12
             |    `--C. verticalis JF06
             `--+--+--‘Hemispingus’ verticalis BKB15
                |  `--‘Hemispingus’ xanthophthalmus JT12
                |--+--‘Poospiza’ hispaniolensis BKB15
                |  `--+--‘Poospiza’ nigrorufa BKB15
                |     |--‘Poospiza’ whitii JT12
                |     `--+--‘Poospiza’ boliviana JT12
                |        `--‘Poospiza’ ornata JT12
                `--+--+--Cnemoscopus rubrirostris BKB15
                   |  `--+--‘Hemispingus’ rufosuperciliaris JT12
                   |     `--Compsospiza BKB15
                   |          |--C. baeri JT12
                   |          `--C. garleppi JT12
                   `--+--Hemispingus BKB15
                      |    |  i. s.: H. goeringi JT12
                      |    |         H. ochraceus JT12
                      |    |         H. reyi JT12
                      |    |--+--H. atropileus JT12
                      |    |  `--H. auricularis JT12
                      |    `--+--H. calophrys JT12
                      |       `--H. parodii JT12
                      `--+--+--+--Poospiza BKB15
                         |  |  `--Nephelornis Lowery & Tallman 1976 JT12, B94 [Nephelornithinae]
                         |  |       `--N. oneilli JF06
                         |  `--+--Cypsnagra hirundinacea JT12
                         |     `--+--+--‘Poospiza’ caesar BKB15
                         |        |  `--‘Poospiza’ hypochondria BKB15
                         |        `--Donacospiza albifrons JT12
                         `--+--+--‘Hemispingus’ piurae JT12
                            |  `--+--‘Hemispingus’ frontalis JT12
                            |     `--‘Hemispingus’ melanotis JT12
                            `--Thlypopsis JT12

Thraupidae incertae sedis:
  Compsothraupis Richmond 1915 [incl. Lamprotes Swainson 1837; Lamprotinae] B94
    `--C. loricata JT12
  Aglaia Swainson 1827 B94
    `--*A. tatao [=Tanagra tatao] B94
  Certhiola luteola SS66a
  Spodiornis Sclater 1866 S66b
    `--*S. jardinii Sclater 1866 S66b
  Orchesticus abeillei JT12
  Orthogonys chloricterus JT12
  Cyanicterus cyanicterus JT12

Coereba Vieillot 1808 BKB15, B94 [=Caereba (l. c.) B94; incl. Arbelorhina Cabanis 1847 B94; Arbelorhinidae, Coerebinae, Coerebini]

Euneornis Fitzinger 1856 BKB15, B94 [incl. Glossiptila Sclater 1857 B94; Euneornithinae, Glossiptilinae]

Tersina Vieillot 1819 JT12, B94 [incl. Procnias Temminck 1820 non Illiger 1811 B94; Procniatidae, Tersininae]

*Type species of generic name indicated


[A61] Austin, O. L., Jr. 1961. Birds of the World: A survey of the twenty-seven orders and one hundred and fifty-five families. Paul Hamlyn: London.

[B94] Bock, W. J. 1994. History and nomenclature of avian family-group names. Bulletin of the American Museum of Natural History 222: 1–281.

[BKB15] Burleigh, J. G., R. T. Kimball & E. L. Braun. 2015. Building the avian tree of life using a large-scale, sparse supermatrix. Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution 84: 53–63.

[C88] Cracraft, J. 1988. Deep-history biogeography: retrieving the historical pattern of evolving continental biotas. Systematic Zoology 37 (3): 221–236.

[FS55] Felten, H., & J. Steinbacher. 1955. Zur Vogelfauna von El Salvador. Senckenbergiana Biologica 36 (1–2): 9–19.

[FP64] Fisher, J., & R. T. Peterson. 1964. The World of Birds: A comprehensive guide to general ornithology. Macdonald: London.

[JT12] Jetz, W., G. H. Thomas, J. B. Joy, K. Hartmann & A. Ø. Mooers. 2012. The global diversity of birds in space and time. Nature 491: 444–448.

[JF06] Jønsson, K. A., & J. Fjeldså. 2006. A phylogenetic supertree of oscine passerine birds. Zoologica Scripta 35: 149–186.

[S66a] Sclater, P. L. 1866a. On the birds in the vicinity of Lima, Peru. With notes on their habits, by Prof. W. Nation, of Lima, C. M. Z. S. (Part I.) Proceedings of the Zoological Society of London 1866: 96–100.

[S66b] Sclater, P. L. 1866b. Descriptions of six new species of American Oscines. Proceedings of the Zoological Society of London 1866: 320–324.

[SS66a] Sclater, P. L., & O. Salvin. 1866a. Catalogue of birds collected by Mr. E. Bartlett on the River Uyacali, Eastern Peru, with notes and descriptions of new species. Proceedings of the Zoological Society of London 1866: 175–201.

[SS66b] Sclater, P. L., & O. Salvin. 1866b. On some additions to the catalogue of birds collected by Mr. E. Bartlett on the River Ucayali. Proceedings of the Zoological Society of London 1866: 566–567.

[S18] Stone, W. 1918. Birds of the Panama Canal Zone, with special reference to a collection made by Mr. Lindsey L. Jewel. Proceedings of the Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia 70: 239–280.

[WBSJ82] Wild Bird Society of Japan. 1982. A Field Guide to the Birds of Japan. Kodansha International Ltd.: Tokyo.

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