
Tree trapdoor spider Migas sp., copyright Simon Grove.

Belongs within: Avicularoidea.
Contains: Idiopoidea.

The Rastelloidina are a clade of mygalomorph spiders characterised by the presence of a rastellum, an array of spines at the ends of the chelicerae used in digging. In members of the family Cyrtaucheniidae, the paired tarsal claws are biserially dentate in females and have a ventral S-shaped row of teeth in females, whereas the dentition of tarsal claws is generally reduced and forming a single row only in other families. The Migoidea, including the families Migidae and Actinopodidae, have short, thick cheliceral fangs that are diagonal and converging (Jocqué & Dippenaar-Schoeman 2007).

Synapomorphies (from Jocqué & Dippenaar-Schoeman 2007): Fovea closed and longitudinal; rastellum present; cheliceral fangs short, thick and diagonal; palpal coxa elongate; posterior legs with spines on dorsal surface.

    |--Cyrtaucheniidae JD-S07
    |    |  i. s.: Fufius BFSJ08
    |    |         Acontius JD-S07
    |    |--Aporoptychiinae [Aporoptychi] JD-S07
    |    |    |--Rhytidicolus Simon 1889 S89
    |    |    |    `--*R. structor Simon 1889 S89
    |    |    |--Ancylotrypa bicornuta Strand 1906 S89, J98
    |    |    |--*Phaenothele gaujoni (Sim. 1889) S89
    |    |    |--Phaeoclita Simon 1889 S89
    |    |    |    `--*P. fauna Simon 1889 S89
    |    |    |--Aporoptychus S89
    |    |    |    |--*A. australis S89
    |    |    |    `--A. africanus Simon 1889 S89
    |    |    `--Celidotopus Simon 1889 S89
    |    |         `--*C. pulchripes Simon 1889 S89
    |    |--Cyrtaucheniinae [Cyrtauchenii] JD-S07
    |    |    |--Cyrtauchenius Thorell 1869 JD-S07
    |    |    |--Entychides S89
    |    |    `--Atmetochilus S89
    |    `--Eucteniza S89 [Euctenizinae JD-S07]
    `--Domiothelina JD-S07
         |--Idiopoidea JD-S07
         `--Migoidea JD-S07
              |--Actinopodidae [Actinopodinae] JD-S07
              |    |--Plesiolena Goloboff & Platnick 1987 JD-S07
              |    |--Actinopus Perty 1833 JD-S07
              |    |    |--A. algerianus Lucas 1846 E12
              |    |    |--A. formosus Rainbow 1896 R96
              |    |    `--A. robustus JD-S07
              |    `--Missulena Walckenaer 1805 F95 [=Eriodon Latreille 1804 C01]
              |         |--*M. occatoria Walckenaer 1805 F95 [=*Eriodon occatorium C01, Mygale (Eriodon) occatoria G20]
              |         |--M. bradleyi Rainbow 1914 F95
              |         |--M. dipsaca Faulder 1995 F95
              |         |--M. granulosa (Cambridge 1868) F95
              |         |--M. hoggi Womersley 1943 F95
              |         |--M. insignis (Cambridge 1877) F95
              |         |--M. pruinosa Levitt-Gregg 1966 F95
              |         |--M. reflexa Rainbow & Pulleine 1918 F95
              |         `--M. rutraspina Faulder 1995 F95
              `--Migidae PVD10
                   |  i. s.: Goloboffia Griswold & Ledford 2001 JD-S07
                   |         Mallecomigas Goloboff & Platnick 1987 JD-S07
                   |         Micromesomma Pocock 1895 JD-S07
                   |         Poecilomigas Simon 1903 JD-S07
                   |         Thyropoeus Pocock 1895 JD-S07
                   |--Paramigas Pocock 1895 [Paramiginae] JD-S07
                   |--Calathotarsinae [Homogoneae] JD-S07
                   |    |--Calathotarsus Simon 1903 JD-S07
                   |    |--Heteromigas Hogg 1902 R14, JD-S07
                   |    `--Homogona Rainbow 1914 R14
                   |         `--*H. pulleinei Rainbow 1914 R14
                   `--Miginae [Migae] PVD10
                        |--Moggridgea P.-Cambridge 1875 S89, JD-S07
                        |    |--M. australis Y95
                        |    `--M. tingle Main 1991 DH10
                        |--Myrtale S89
                        `--Migas Koch 1873 PVD10
                             |--*M. paradoxus Koch 1873 PVD10
                             |--M. australis Wilton 1968 PVD10
                             |--M. borealis Wilton 1968 PVD10
                             |--M. cambridgei Wilton 1968 PVD10
                             |--M. cantuarius Wilton 1968 PVD10
                             |--M. centralis Wilton 1968 PVD10
                             |--M. cumberi Wilton 1968 PVD10
                             |--M. distinctus Pickard-Cambridge 1879 PVD10
                             |--M. gatenbyi Wilton 1968 PVD10
                             |--M. giveni Wilton 1968 PVD10
                             |--M. goyeni Wilton 1968 PVD10
                             |--M. hesperus Wilton 1968 PVD10
                             |--M. hollowayi Wilton 1968 PVD10
                             |--M. insularis Wilton 1968 PVD10
                             |--M. kirki Wilton 1968 PVD10
                             |--M. kochi Wilton 1968 PVD10
                             |--M. linburnensis Wilton 1968 PVD10
                             |--M. lomasi Wilton 1968 PVD10
                             |--M. marplesi Wilton 1968 PVD10
                             |--M. minor Wilton 1968 PVD10
                             |--M. otari Wilton 1968 PVD10
                             |--M. quintus Wilton 1968 PVD10
                             |--M. sandageri Goyen 1891 PVD10
                             |--M. saxatilis Wilton 1968 PVD10
                             |--M. secundus Wilton 1968 PVD10
                             |--M. solitarius Wilton 1968 PVD10
                             |--M. taierii Todd 1945 PVD10
                             |--M. tasmani Wilton 1968 PVD10
                             |--M. toddae Wilton 1968 PVD10
                             `--M. tuhoe Wilton 1968 PVD10

*Type species of generic name indicated


[BFSJ08] Bertani, R., C. S. Fukushima & P. I. da Silva Júnior. 2008. Mating behavior of Sickius longibulbi (Araneae, Theraphosidae, Ischnocolinae), a spider that lacks spermathecae. Journal of Arachnology 36 (2): 331–335.

[C01] Cambridge, F. O. P. 1901. A revision of the genera of the Araneae or spiders with reference to their type species. Annals and Magazine of Natural History, series 7, 7: 51–65.

[DH10] Durrant, B. J., M. S. Harvey, V. W. Framenau, R. Ott & J. M. Waldock. 2010. Patterns in the composition of ground-dwelling spider communities in the Pilbara bioregion, Western Australia. Records of the Western Australian Museum Supplement 78 (1): 185–204.

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[F95] Faulder, R. J. 1995. Two new species of the Australian spider genus Missulena Walckenaer (Araneae: Actinopodidae). Records of the Western Australian Museum Supplement 52: 73–78.

[G20] Goldfuss, G. A. 1820. Handbuch der Naturgeschichte vol. 3. Handbuch der Zoologie pt 1. Johann Leonhard Schrag: Nürnberg.

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[JD-S07] Jocqué, R., & A. S. Dippenaar-Schoeman. 2007. Spider Families of the World. Royal Museum for Central Africa: Tervuren (Belgium).

[PVD10] Paquin, P., C. J. Vink & N. Dupérré. 2010. Spiders of New Zealand: annotated family key and species list. Manaaki Whenua Press: Lincoln (New Zealand).

[R96] Rainbow, W. J. 1896. Descriptions of some new Araneidae of New South Wales. No. 6. Proceedings of the Linnean Society of New South Wales 21 (3): 320–344, pls 18–20.

[R14] Rainbow, W. J. 1914. Studies in Australian Araneidae, no. 6, the Terretelariae. Records of the Australian Museum 10 (8): 187–270.

[S89] Simon, E. 1889. Voyage de M. E. Simon au Venezuela (Décembre 1887–Avril 1888). 4e mémoire. Arachnides. Annales de la Société Entomologique de France, 6e série 9: 169–220, pls 1–3.

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Last updated: 26 January 2022.

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