
Basilica spider Mecynogea lemniscata, copyright Volcano.

Belongs within: Araneoidea.
Contains: Nephilinae, Micratheninae, Cyclosini, Gasteracanthinae, Mangora, Argiope, Cyrtophora, Cyrtarachninae, Neoscona, Araneus.

The Araneidae are the largest family of orb-weaving spiders, members of which construct an orb web with a sticky spiral, or a modification thereof (Jocqué & Dippenaar-Schoeman 2007). Members of the family are morphologically and behaviourally diverse and their classification has long been confused. As recognised below, araneids are united by the presence of modified setae (the sustentaculum) on the tip of the fourth tarsi and the presence of a radix in the embolic division of the male palp (Scharff et al. 2020) and may be divided between three major clades. The Zygiellinae are characterised by spinnerets with aggregate spigots apart from flagelliform spigots, and construct webs using doubled radial threads and incorporating a silken tube retreat. A second clade unites the Nephilinae with the southern Australian Paraplectanoides crassipes.

The remaining araneids are united by molecular data into a clade informally dubbed the 'ARA clade' by Scharff et al. (2020). Historical subfamilial divisions within this clade remain of uncertain validity. In particular, the subfamily Araneinae, as historically defined by the presence of tubercles on the femur of the male pedipalp and an epigynal scape in the female, appears to be highly polyphyletic. Members of the Cyrtophorinae have the piriform spinning field on the anterior lateral spinnerets reduced to a narrow ribbon, and construct their web as a horizontal, tightly woven mesh with an extremely tight, permanent non-sticky spiral (Framenau & Scharff 2009). The Argiopeae have a procurved posterior eye row with a reduced canoe-shaped tapetum in the lateral eyes, and the male palp possesses a thread-like spur on the median apophysis (Scharff & Coddington 1997).

Characters (from Jocqué & Dippenaar-Schoeman 2007): Small to large; eight eyes present in two rows with lateral eyes widely separated from median eyes; labium rebordered; legs with three tarsal claws, usually with numerous spines and sustentaculum on tarsus IV; abdomen globose, overhanging the carapace; ecribellate; male palp with mesal cymbium, median apophysis and radix in embolic division; entelegyne.

<==Araneidae (see below for synonymy)
    |--Zygiellinae [Phonognatheae, Phonognathidae, Zygielleae] SC20
    |    |  i. s.: Leviellus SC20
    |    |--Zygiella Pickard-Cambridge 1902 SC20, PVD10 [=Zygia Koch 1834 non Fabricius 1775 G76]
    |    |    |--*Z. atrica (Koch 1845) (see below for synonymy) G76
    |    |    |--Z. kochi (Thorell 1870) [=Zilla kochi] G76
    |    |    |--Z. montana (Koch 1839) [=Zilla montana] G76
    |    |    |--Z. stroemi (Thorell 1870) G76 [=Zilla stroemi G76, Stroemiellus stroemi AM11]
    |    |    |--Z. thorelli (Ausserer 1871) [=Zilla thorelli] G76
    |    |    `--Z. x-notata (Clerck 1758) PVD10 [=Zilla x-notata G76]
    |    `--+--Phonognatha Simon 1894 SC20, K02 [incl. Singotypa HAA07]
    |       |    |--P. graeffei (Rainbow 1896) B96
    |       |    |--P. melania B96
    |       |    `--P. sylvicola B96
    |       `--Deliochus Simon 1894 SC20, K02
    `--+--+--Nephilinae SC20
       |  `--Paraplectanoides Keyserling 1886 SC20
       |       `--*P. crassipes Keyserling 1886 KK90, SC20
       `--+--Caerostrinae SC20
          |    |--Gnolus Simon 1879 [Gnoleae, Oarciinae] SC20
          |    |    `--G. cordiformis SC20
          |    |--Caerostris Thorell 1868 SC20, GA11 [Caerostreae]
          |    |    |--C. darwini Kuntner & Agnarsson 2010 GA11
          |    |    |--C. ‘paradoxa’ (Doleschall 1859) K92, D59 [=Epeira paradoxa non Lucas 1846 K92]
          |    |    |--C. sexcuspidata SC97
          |    |    |--C. sumatrana Strand 1915 GA11
          |    |    `--C. vinsoni Thorell 1868 SC97
          |    `--Testudinaria Taczanowski 1879 non Salisbury ex Burchell 1824 (ICBN) [Testudinareae] SC20
          `--+--‘Araneus’ necopinus SC20
             `--+--+--*Encyosaccus sexmaculatus Simon 1895 SC97
                |  `--Micratheninae SC20
                `--+--Spilasma Simon 1897 SC20
                   |    `--S. duodecimguttata SC20
                   `--+--Chorizopeae SC97
                      |    |--Artonis SC97
                      |    `--Chorizopes Pickard-Cambridge 1871 [Chorizopinae] SC20
                      |         |--*C. frontalis K02
                      |         `--C. nipponicus SC20
                      `--+--Telaprocera SC20
                         |    |--T. joanae SC20
                         |    `--T. maudae SC20
                         `--+--+--Hingstepeira Levi 1995 SC20, K02
                            |  |    `--H. folisecens (Hingston 1932) K02
                            |  `--+--+--+--+--Lariniophora Framenau 2011 F11
                            |     |  |  |  |    `--*L. ragnhildae (Strand 1917) (see below for synonymy) F11
                            |     |  |  |  `--Eriophora Simon 1864 SC20, F11
                            |     |  |  |       |--*E. ravilla (Koch 1844) F11
                            |     |  |  |       |--E. biapicata (Koch 1871) F11
                            |     |  |  |       |--E. bistriata D95
                            |     |  |  |       |--E. edax (Blackwall 1863) SC97
                            |     |  |  |       |--E. fuliginea (Koch 1838) B11
                            |     |  |  |       |--E. heroine (Koch 1871) PVD10 [incl. Epeira brounii Urquhart 1884 FF99]
                            |     |  |  |       `--E. pustulosa (Walckenaer 1842) F11 (see below for synonymy)
                            |     |  |  `--Acanthepeira Marx 1883 SC20, AM11
                            |     |  |       |--*A. stellata (Walckenaer 1805) SC97
                            |     |  |       `--A. venusta (Banks 1896) SC97
                            |     |  `--+--Parawixia Pickard-Cambridge 1904 SC20, AM11
                            |     |     |    |--*P. destricta Pickard-Cambridge 1889 SC20
                            |     |     |    |--P. kochi (Taczanowski 1873) AM11
                            |     |     |    `--P. velutina (Taczanowski 1878) AM11
                            |     |     `--+--Wagneriana Pickard-Cambridge 1904 SC20, AM11
                            |     |        |    |--W. tauricornis SC20
                            |     |        |    `--W. tayos SC97
                            |     |        `--Alpaida Pickard-Cambridge 1889 SC20, AM11
                            |     |             |--A. bicornuta (Taczanowski 1878) SC97
                            |     |             |--A. championi (P.-Cambridge 1889) SC97
                            |     |             |--A. delicata SC20
                            |     |             |--A. grayi [=Aranea grayi] F09
                            |     |             |--A. leucogramma (White 1841) AM11
                            |     |             |--A. truncata (Keyserling 1865) AM11
                            |     |             `--A. veniliae (Keyserling 1865) AM11
                            |     `--+--+--Hypognatha Guérin 1839 [Eurycorminae, Hypognatheae] SC20
                            |        |  |    `--*H. scutata (Perty 1833) SC97
                            |        |  `--+--Eustala Simon 1895 SC20, AM11
                            |        |     |    |--*E. anastera (Walckenaer 1841) SC97
                            |        |     |    `--E. sagana (Keyserling 1893) [=Araneus saganus] AM11
                            |        |     `--Metazygia SC20
                            |        |          |--*M. wittfeldae P.-Cambridge 1903 SC97
                            |        |          |--M. gregalis (Pickard-Cambridge 1889) P-GGJ08
                            |        |          `--M. rogenhoferi (Keyserling 1878) P-GGJ08
                            |        `--+--+--+--‘Parawixia’ dehaani SC20
                            |           |  |  `--Backobourkia Framenau, Dupérré et al. 2010 SC20, F11
                            |           |  |       |--B. brounii (Koch 1871) PVD10
                            |           |  |       |--B. collina (Keyserling 1886) T13
                            |           |  |       `--B. heroine SC20
                            |           |  `--+--Novakiella Court & Forster 1993 SC20, F11
                            |           |     |    `--*N. trituberculosa (Roewer 1942) PVD10
                            |           |     `--+--+--‘Eriophora’ transmarina (Keyserling 1865) SC20, F11 (see below for synonymy)
                            |           |        |  `--+--Carepalxis Koch 1872 SC20, KK90
                            |           |        |     |    |--C. bilobata Koch & Keyserling 1886 KK90
                            |           |        |     |    |--C. furcula Koch & Keyserling 1886 KK90
                            |           |        |     |    `--C. tuberculata Koch & Keyserling 1886 KK90
                            |           |        |     `--Singa Koch 1836 SC20, G76
                            |           |        |          |--*S. hamata (Clerck 1757) G76 (see below for synonymy)
                            |           |        |          `--S. nitidula Koch 1845 G76 [=Epeira (Singa) nitidula K01]
                            |           |        `--+--Plebs Joseph & Framenau 2012 SC20
                            |           |           |    |--P. bradleyi SC20
                            |           |           |    |--P. cyphoxis SC20
                            |           |           |    `--P. eburnus (Keyserling 1886) SC20
                            |           |           `--+--‘Aranea’ recherchensis Main 1954 M54 [=Araneus recherchensis SC20]
                            |           |              `--+--Acroaspis Karsch 1878 SC20, PVD10 (see below for synonymy)
                            |           |                 |    |--*A. olorina SC20
                            |           |                 |    |--A. decorosa (Urquhart 1894) PVD10 (see below for synonymy)
                            |           |                 |    `--*Heurodes’ turrita Koch & Keyserling 1886 KK90
                            |           |                 `--‘Araneus’ senicaudatus SC20
                            |           `--+--+--+--‘Araneus’ dimidiatus SC20
                            |              |  |  `--‘Araneus’ mulierarius SC20
                            |              |  `--+--Dolophoneae SC20
                            |              |     |    |--Dolophones Walckenaer 1837 SC20
                            |              |     |    |    `--D. maximus B96
                            |              |     |    `--Pitharatus SC20
                            |              |     `--Cyclosini SC20
                            |              `--+--Anepsion Strand 1929 SC20, F11
                            |                 |    |--A. depressum (Thorell 1877) SC97
                            |                 |    |--A. peltoides (Thorell 1878) SC97
                            |                 |    `--A. roeweri Chrysanthus 1961 SC97
                            |                 `--Gasteracanthinae SC20
                            `--+--Mangora SC20
                               `--+--+--+--Acusilas Simon 1895 SC20, K02
                                  |  |  |    |--A. coccineus Simon 1895 K02
                                  |  |  |    `--A. malaccensis JD-S07
                                  |  |  `--+--Witica SC97 [incl. Physiola SC20, Salassina SC97; Physioleae]
                                  |  |     |    `--*W. crassicauda (Keyserling 1865) SC97
                                  |  |     `--Arachnura Vinson 1863 SC20, PVD10 [Arachnureae]
                                  |  |          |--A. feredayi (Koch 1872) PVD10 (see below for synonymy)
                                  |  |          `--A. higginsii (Koch 1873) [=Epeira higginsii] M54
                                  |  `--+--Argiopeae SC97
                                  |     |    |--*Neogea egregia (Kulczynski 1911) SC97
                                  |     |    `--+--Argiope BS09
                                  |     |       `--+--Gea Koch 1843 SC97, FS09
                                  |     |          |    |--*G. spinipes Koch 1843 SC97
                                  |     |          |    |--G. eff E95
                                  |     |          |    `--G. heptagon (Hentz 1850) SC97
                                  |     |          `--+--‘Argiope’ aurantia Lucas 1833 SC20, B11
                                  |     |             `--Lariniaria Grasshoff 1970 SC20
                                  |     |                  `--*L. argiopiformis (Bösenberg & Strand 1906) SC20, AM11
                                  |     `--Cyrtophorinae [Cyrtophoreae] FS09
                                  |          |--Cyrtophora SC20
                                  |          |--Kapogea Levi 1997 FS09
                                  |          |--Manogea Levi 1997 FS09
                                  |          |--Cyrtobill Framenau & Scharff 2009 FS09
                                  |          |    `--*C. darwini Framenau & Scharff 2009 FS09
                                  |          `--Mecynogea Simon 1903 [incl. Hentzia McCook 1894] FS09
                                  |               |--M. lemniscata (Walckenaer 1841) B11
                                  |               `--‘Hentzia’ mitrata (Marx 1883) TF98
                                  `--+--+--Poltys Koch 1843 SC20, K92 [incl. Pleuromma Doleschall 1859 K92]
                                     |  |    |--*P. illepidus Koch 1843 SC20, T94 (see below for synonymy)
                                     |  |    |--P. bimaculatus Koch in Koch & Keyserling 1886 KK90
                                     |  |    |--P. columnaris Thor. 1889-1890 K92
                                     |  |    |--P. coronatus Koch in Koch & Keyserling 1886 KK90
                                     |  |    |--P. keyserlingi Koch in Koch & Keyserling 1886 KK90
                                     |  |    |--P. laciniosus Koch in Koch & Keyserling 1886 KK90
                                     |  |    `--P. mammeatus Koch in Koch & Keyserling 1886 KK90
                                     |  `--+--Perilla Thorell 1895 SC20, K02
                                     |     |    `--*P. teres Thorell 1895 [incl. P. cylindrogaster Simon 1909] K02
                                     |     `--+--+--‘Araneus’ mitificus (Simon 1886) SC20, AM11 (see below for synonymy)
                                     |        |  `--‘Araneus’ praesignis SC20
                                     |        `--+--‘Araneus’ rotundulus SC20
                                     |           `--Eriovixia SC20
                                     |                |--E. excelsa (Simon 1889) HU08
                                     |                `--E. laglaizei (Simon 1877) GA11
                                     `--+--+--Metepeira F.O.P.-Cambridge 1903 SC20, B11
                                        |  |    |--M. arizonica Chamberlin & Ivie 1942 SC97
                                        |  |    |--M. foxi SC97
                                        |  |    |--M. incrassata Pickard-Cambridge 1903 B11
                                        |  |    |--M. labyrinthea (Hentz 1847) B11
                                        |  |    `--M. spinipes Pickard-Cambridge 1903 B11
                                        |  `--+--Kaira Pickard-Cambridge 1889 SC20
                                        |     |    `--*K. alba (Hentz 1850) SC97
                                        |     `--Aculepeira Chamberlain & Ivie 1942 SC20, G76
                                        |          |--*A. packardi (Thorell 1875) SC97
                                        |          |--A. aculeata (Emerton 1877) [=Epeira aculeata] G76
                                        |          |--A. carbonaria (Koch 1869) [=Araneus carbonarius] G76
                                        |          `--A. ceropegia (Walckenaer 1802) G76 (see below for synonymy)
                                        `--+--Cyrtarachninae SC20
                                           `--+--+--‘Araneus’ bicentenarius SC20
                                              |  `--+--Araniella Chamberlain & Ivie 1942 SC20, G76
                                              |     |    |--*A. displicata (Hentz 1847) (see below for synonymy) G76
                                              |     |    |--A. alpica (Koch 1869) [=Araneus alpicus] G76
                                              |     |    |--A. crispula Tullgren 1952 G76
                                              |     |    |--A. cucurbitina (Clerck 1757) SC20, TB81 (see below for synonymy)
                                              |     |    |--A. inconspicua (Simon 1874) [=Araneus inconspicuus] G76
                                              |     |    |--A. opistographa (Kulczynski 1905) (see below for synonymy) G76
                                              |     |    `--A. silesiaca (Fickert 1876) G76
                                              |     `--+--Larinia Simon 1874 SC20, F11
                                              |        |    |--*L. lineata Lucas 1846 SC20
                                              |        |    |--L. acuticauda Simon 1906 (see below for synonymy) J98
                                              |        |    |--L. bonneti SC20
                                              |        |    |--L. borealis (Hentz 1847) SC97
                                              |        |    |--L. directa (Hentz 1847) AM11
                                              |        |    |--L. montagui Hogg 1914 T13
                                              |        |    `--L. phthisica (Koch 1871) F11
                                              |        `--Pycnacantha Blackwall 1865 SC20
                                              |             `--P. fuscosa SC20
                                              `--+--+--Hyposinga Ausserer 1871 SC20, G76
                                                 |  |    |--*H. sanguinea (Koch 1845) [=Singa sanguinea] G76
                                                 |  |    |--H. albovittata (Westring 1851) [=Singa albovittata] G76
                                                 |  |    |--H. heri (Hahn 1836) [=Singa heri] G76
                                                 |  |    |--H. pygmaea (Sundevall 1831) G76 (see below for synonymy)
                                                 |  |    `--H. rubens (Hentz 1847) SC97
                                                 |  `--+--‘Larinia’ jeskovi SC20
                                                 |     `--+--Nuctenea Simon 1864 SC20, G76 (see below for synonymy)
                                                 |        |    |  i. s.: ‘Cyphepeira’ gracilis G76
                                                 |        |    |--*N. umbratica (Clerck 1757) G76 (see below for synonymy)
                                                 |        |    |--N. silvicultrix (Koch 1835) (see below for synonymy) G76
                                                 |        |    `--+--N. folium (Schrank 1803) G76 (see below for synonymy)
                                                 |        |       |--N. ixobola (Thorell 1873) G76 (see below for synonymy)
                                                 |        |       |--N. patagiata (Clerck 1757) G76 (see below for synonymy)
                                                 |        |       `--N. sclopetaria (Clerck 1757) (see below for synonymy) G76
                                                 |        `--Larinioides Caporiacco 1934 SC20, AM11
                                                 |             |--L. cornutus (Clerck 1757) SC20, G76 (see below for synonymy)
                                                 |             |--L. patagiatus (Clerck 1757) AM11
                                                 |             `--L. sclopetarius (Clerck 1757) [=Epeira sclopetaria] AM11
                                                 `--+--+--Agalenatea redii (Scopoli 1763) SC20, G76 (see below for synonymy)
                                                    |  `--+--‘Araneus’ eburneiventris SC20
                                                    |     `--Neoscona SC20
                                                    `--+--Gibbaranea Archer 1951 SC20, G76
                                                       |    `--*G. bituberculata (Walckenaer 1802) G76, TB81 (see below for synonymy)
                                                       `--+--+--Araneus SC20
                                                          |  `--+--*Pronous tuberculifer Keyserling 1880 SC97
                                                          |     `--Cercidia Thorell 1869 SC20
                                                          |          `--*C. prominens (Westring 1851) SC97 (see below for synonymy)
                                                          `--+--+--‘Araneus’ talipedatus SC20
                                                             |  `--Paralarinia Grasshoff 1970 SC20
                                                             `--+--‘Araneus’ albotriangulus SC20
                                                                `--+--Cryptaranea Court & Forster 1988 SC20, PVD10 (see below for synonymy)
                                                                   |    |--*C. invisibilis (Urquhart 1892) PVD10 (see below for synonymy)
                                                                   |    |--C. albolineata (Urquhart 1893) PVD10 (see below for synonymy)
                                                                   |    |--C. atrihastula (Urquhart 1891) PVD10
                                                                   |    |--C. stewartensis Court & Forster 1988 PVD10
                                                                   |    |--C. subalpina Court & Forster 1988 PVD10
                                                                   |    |--C. subcompta (Urquhart 1887) PVD10 (see below for synonymy)
                                                                   |    `--C. venustula (Urquhart 1891) PVD10 (see below for synonymy)
                                                                   `--+--Colaranea Court & Forster 1988 SC20, PVD10
                                                                      |    |--*C. viriditas (Urquhart 1887) PVD10 (see below for synonymy)
                                                                      |    |--C. brunnea Court & Forster 1988 PVD10
                                                                      |    |--C. melanoviridis Court & Forster 1988 PVD10
                                                                      |    `--C. verutum (Urquhart 1887) PVD10 (see below for synonymy)
                                                                      `--Zealaranea Court & Forster 1988 SC20, PVD10
                                                                           |--*Z. crassa (Walckenaer 1841) PVD10 (see below for synonymy)
                                                                           |--Z. prina Court & Forster 1988 PVD10
                                                                           |--Z. saxitalis (Urquhart 1887) PVD10 (see below for synonymy)
                                                                           `--Z. trinotata (Urquhart 1890) PVD10 (see below for synonymy)

Araneidae incertae sedis:
  Milonia Thorell 1890 K02
    `--M. trifasciata Thorell 1890 K02
  Novaranea Court & Forster 1988 PVD10
    `--*N. queribunda (Keyserling 1887) [incl. N. laevigata (Urquhart 1891)] PVD10
  Cyphalonotus HU08
  Megaraneus Lawrence 1968 FS09
    `--M. gabonensis (Lucas 1858) [=Cyrtophora gabonensis] FS09
  Alenatea fuscocolorata (Bösenberg & Strand 1906) [=Araneus fuscocoloratus] AM11
  Edricus Pickard-Cambridge 1890 AM11
  Prasonica Simon 1895 PVD10
    `--P. plagiata (de Dalmas 1917) PVD10
  Dicrostichus furcatus N91
  Xylethrus [Xylethreae] SC97
    |--*X. superbus Simon 1895 SC97
    `--X. scupeus Simon 1895 SC97
  Ursa [Urseae] SC97
  Alcimosphenus licinus C01
  Cyclosoma P92
  Elucus P92
  Eustaloides P92
  Siga P92
  Theridiometa P92
  Mirometa P92
  Araneometa P92
  Fossilaraneus P92
  Pycnosinga P92
  Singafrotypa Benoit 1962 K02
    |--S. acanthopus (Simon 1907) K02
    `--S. okavango K02
  Zilla Koch 1834 G76
    |--Z. diodia (Walckenaer 1802) [=Aranea diodia; incl. *Z. albimacula Koch 1834] G76
    `--Z. decolorata Keyserling 1893 (n. d.) [=Araneus decoloratus, Zygiella decolorata] L05
  Atea Koch 1837 G76
    |--*A. sturmi (Hahn 1831) [=Epeira sturmi] G76
    `--A. triguttata (Fabricius 1775) G76 [=Araneus triguttatus G76, Epeira triguttata V09]
  Mesozygiella dunlopi SC20
  *Colphepeira catawba (Banks 1911) SC97
  Bertraneae SC97
    |--Bertrana Keyserling 1884 SC97, AM11
    |    |--*B. striolata Keyserling 1884 SC97
    |    `--B. laselva Levi 1989 SC97
    `--Spintharidius SC97
  Aspidolasius SC97
    |--*A. branickii (Taczanowski 1879) SC97
    `--A. bifurcatus Simon 1897 SC97
  Psyllo SC20

Acroaspis Karsch 1878 SC20, PVD10 [incl. Heurodes Koch & Keyserling 1886 SC20, KK90]

Acroaspis decorosa (Urquhart 1894) PVD10 [=Epeira decorosa NS00, Eriophora decorosa PVD10]

Aculepeira ceropegia (Walckenaer 1802) G76 [=Araneus ceropegius G76, Ar. (Epeira) ceropegia S95]

Agalenatea redii (Scopoli 1763) SC20, G76 [=Aranea redii G76, Araneus redii G76]

Arachnura feredayi (Koch 1872) PVD10 [incl. A. longicauda Urquhart 1885 NS00, A. longicauda var. nigritia Urquhart 1885 NS00, A. obtusa Urquhart 1885 NS00]

Araneidae [Anepsieae, Araneinae, Araneini, Argiopidae, Argiopinae, Epeiridae, Epeirides, Mangoreae, Mangorini, Poltyeae, Poltyinae]

‘Araneus’ mitificus (Simon 1886) SC20, AM11 [=Epeira mitifica TB81; incl. Zilla nawazi Dyal 1935 TB81]

Araniella cucurbitina (Clerck 1757) SC20, TB81 [=Aranea cucurbitina L58, Araneus cucurbitinus G76, Epeira cucurbitina V09]

*Araniella displicata (Hentz 1847) [=Epeira displicata, Araneus diplicatus] G76

Araniella opistographa (Kulczynski 1905) [=Araneus cucurbitinus opisthographus] G76

*Cercidia prominens (Westring 1851) SC97 [=Epeira prominens G76]

Colaranea verutum (Urquhart 1887) PVD10 [=Epeira verutum NS00; incl. E. verutum var. hastatum Urquhart 1887 NS00, E. verutum var. lineola Urquhart 1887 NS00]

*Colaranea viriditas (Urquhart 1887) PVD10 [incl. Epeira flavomaculata Urquhart 1890 NS00]

Cryptaranea Court & Forster 1988 SC20, PVD10 [incl. Holaranea Court & Forster 1988 (n. n.) NS00]

Cryptaranea albolineata (Urquhart 1893) PVD10 [=Epeira albolineata NS00, Holaranea albolineata NS00]

*Cryptaranea invisibilis (Urquhart 1892) PVD10 [=Epeira invisibilis NS00]

Cryptaranea subcompta (Urquhart 1887) PVD10 [=Epeira subcompta NS00; incl. E. peronginia Urquhart 1894 NS00]

Cryptaranea venustula (Urquhart 1891) PVD10 [=Holaranea venustula NS00; incl. Epeira munda var. inversa Urquhart 1893 NS00, E. munda Urquhart 1893 NS00]

Eriophora pustulosa (Walckenaer 1842) F11 [=Araneus pustulosus FF99, Aranea pustulosa M54; incl. Epeira blattea Urquhart 1893 NS00, Ep. helveoguttata Urquhart 1888 NS00, Ep. ostribrunnea Urquhart 1890 NS00]

‘Eriophora’ transmarina (Keyserling 1865) SC20, F11 [=Aranea transmarina FF99]

*Gibbaranea bituberculata (Walckenaer 1802) G76, TB81 [=Aranea bituberculata TB81, Araneus bituberculatus G76; incl. Aranea alboarcuata Panzer 1804 TB81, Epeira bicornis Menge 1866 TB81, E. dromedaria Koch 1845 TB81, Araneus dromedarius TB81]

Hyposinga pygmaea (Sundevall 1831) G76 [=Araneus (Singa) pygmaeus S95, Epeira (Singa) pygmaea K01, G76]

Larinia acuticauda Simon 1906 [=Drexelia acuticauda; incl. D. camerunica Strand 1908, Larinia camerunica] J98

Larinioides cornutus (Clerck 1757) SC20, G76 [=Araneus cornutus G76, Cyphepeira cornuta G76, Epeira cornuta K01, Nuctenea cornuta G76; incl. Aranea leuwenhoeki Scopoli 1763 K01, Aranea umbratica Olivier non Araneus umbraticus Clerck 1757 K01, Epeira vicaria Kulczyński 1885 K01, Araneus (Epeira) vicarius S95]

*Lariniophora ragnhildae (Strand 1917) [=Araneus ragnhildae; incl. Epeira gracilis Hogg 1896 nec Walckenaer 1805 nec Keyserling 1865 nec Menge 1879, A. gracilis] F11

Nuctenea Simon 1864 SC20, G76 [incl. Cyphepeira Archer 1951 G76]

Nuctenea folium (Schrank 1803) G76 [=Araneus folium G76, Aranea folium K01, Epeira folium K01; incl. Aranea dumetorum K01, Aranea foliata K01]

Nuctenea ixobola (Thorell 1873) G76 [=Araneus ixobolus G76, Cyphepeira ixobola G76, A. (Epeira) ixobola S95]

Nuctenea patagiata (Clerck 1757) G76 [=Araneus patagiatus G76, Cyphepeira patagiata G76, Epeira patagiata K01; incl. Aranea apoclisa K01, Epeira apoclisa S69]

Nuctenea sclopetaria (Clerck 1757) [=Araneus sclopetarius, Cyphepeira sclopetaria] G76

Nuctenea silvicultrix (Koch 1835) [=Araneus silvicultrix, *Cyphepeira silvicultrix, Epeira silvicultrix] G76

*Nuctenea umbratica (Clerck 1757) G76 [=Araneus umbraticus G76, Chinestela umbratica G76, Epeira umbratica V09]

*Poltys illepidus Koch 1843 SC20, T94 [incl. *Pleuromma moluccum Doleschall 1859 D59, T94, Po. moluccum T94]

*Singa hamata (Clerck 1757) G76 [=Araneus hamatus G76, Epeira (Singa) hamata K01]

*Zealaranea crassa (Walckenaer 1841) PVD10 [incl. Epeira albiscutum Urquhart 1890 NS00, E. albostricta Urquhart 1890 NS00, E. angusticlava Urquhart 1893 NS00, E. bialbimaculata Urquhart 1887 NS00, E. dubitabilis Urquhart 1890 NS00, E. dumicola Urquhart 1889 NS00, E. lineaacuta Urquhart 1887 NS00, E. purpura Urquhart 1887 NS00]

Zealaranea saxitalis (Urquhart 1887) PVD10 [=Epeira saxitalis NS00]

Zealaranea trinotata (Urquhart 1890) PVD10 [=Epeira trinotata NS00; incl. E. aestiva Urquhart 1890 NS00, E. trinotata var. olivinia Urquhart 1890 NS00]

*Zygiella atrica (Koch 1845) [=Eucharia atrica, Zilla atrica, Zygia calophylla non Aranea calophylla Walckenaer 1802] G76

*Type species of generic name indicated


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Last updated: 3 June 2022.

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