
Laetesia olvidada, copyright Museum of New Zealand Te Papa Tongarewa.

Belongs within: Linyphiidae.

Laetesia is a genus of linyphiid spiders, found in south-east Asia and Australasia, with eyes arranged in two procurved lines.

<==Laetesia Simon 1908 PVD10
    |--L. amoena Millidge 1988 PVD10
    |--L. aucklandensis (Forster 1964) PVD10
    |--L. bellissima Millidge 1988 PVD10
    |--L. chathami Millidge 1988 PVD10
    |--L. distincta Millidge 1988 PVD10
    |--L. forsteri Wunderlich 1976 W76
    |--L. germana Millidge 1988 PVD10
    |--L. intermedia Blest & Vink 2003 PVD10
    |--L. minor Millidge 1988 PVD10
    |--L. mollita Simon 1908 W76
    |--L. nornalupiensis Wunderlich 1976 W76
    |--L. olvidada Blest & Vink 2003 PVD10
    |--L. paragermana Blest & Vink 2003 PVD10
    |--L. peramoena (Pickard-Cambridge 1879) PVD10
    |--L. prominens Millidge 1988 PVD10
    |--L. pseudamoena Blest & Vink 2003 PVD10
    |--L. pulcherrima Blest & Vink 2003 PVD10
    |--L. trispathulata (Urquhart 1886) PVD10 [=Linyphia trispathulata NS00]
    `--L. woomerensis Wunderlich 1976 W76

*Type species of generic name indicated


[NS00] Nicholls, D. C., P. J. Sirvid, S. D. Pollard & M. Walker. 2000. A list of arachnid primary types held in Canterbury Museum. Records of the Canterbury Museum 14: 37–48.

[PVD10] Paquin, P., C. J. Vink & N. Dupérré. 2010. Spiders of New Zealand: annotated family key and species list. Manaaki Whenua Press: Lincoln (New Zealand).

[W76] Wunderlich, J. 1976. Spinnen aus Australien. 2. Linyphiidae (Arachnida: Araneida). Senckenbergiana Biologica 57 (1–3): 125–142.

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