
Perrierina mestayerae, copyright Te Papa Tongarewa.

Belongs within: Bivalvia.

The Perrierinidae are a group of small, byssiferous bivalves with a more or less angular shell.

<==Perrierinidae P61
    |--Legrandina Tate & May 1901 P61
    |    |--*L. bernardi P61
    |    |--L. aucklandica Powell 1933 P61
    |    |--L. harrisonae Powell 1935 P61
    |    `--L. turneri Powell 1939 P61
    `--Perrierina Bernard 1897 P61
         |--*P. taxodonta Bernard 1897 P61
         |--P. georgiana Fleming 1948 P61
         |--P. insulana Fleming 1933 P61
         |--P. matai Fleming 1948 P61
         |--P. mestayerae Powell 1933 P61
         |--P. perstriata Fleming 1948 P61
         |--P. subquadrangula Dell 1952 P61
         `--P. substriata Powell 1935 P61

*Type species of generic name indicated


[P61] Powell, A. W. B. 1961. Shells of New Zealand: An illustrated handbook 4th ed. Whitcombe and Tombs Limited: Christchurch.

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