
Pseudoclithria maura, from Friends of Queens Park Bushland.

Belongs within: Cetoniinae.

Pseudoclithria is an Australian genus of cetoniine beetles with costate elytra and non-metallic coloration.

<==Pseudoclithria van der Poll 1886 [Xiphoscelidini] CW92
    |--P. hirticeps (Macleay 1871) CW92 (see below for synonymy)
    |--P. adusta (Janson 1889) [=Diaphonia adusta] CW92
    |--P. anchoralis Lea 1914 CW92
    |--P. dejecta Lea 1914 CW92
    |--P. erythroptera Lea 1914 CW92
    |--P. fossor Lea 1914 CW92
    |--P. kershawi Lea 1914 CW92
    |--P. mastersii (Macleay 1871) [=Schizorhina mastersii] CW92
    |--P. maura (Janson 1874) CW92 [=Diaphonia maura CW92, Metallesthes maura M86]
    |--P. ruficornis (Westwood 1874) [=Diaphonia ruficornis] CW92
    `--P. rugosa (Schaum 1848) CW92 [=Schizorrhina (Diaphonia) rugosa CW92, Metallesthes rugosa M86]

Pseudoclithria hirticeps (Macleay 1871) CW92 [=Schizorhina hirticeps CW92, Chondropyga hirticeps M86; incl. Clithria bicostata Kraatz 1885 CW92, *Pseudoclithria bicostata CW92, Diaphonia hirtifrons Thomson 1878 CW92, Schizorhina nigrans Macleay 1871 CW92]

*Type species of generic name indicated


[CW92] Cassis, G., & T. A. Weir. 1992. Cetoniinae. In: Houston, W. W. K. (ed.) Zoological Catalogue of Australia vol. 9. Coleoptera: Scarabaeoidea pp. 426–454. AGPS Press: Canberra.

[M86] Masters, G. 1886. Catalogue of the described Coleoptera of Australia. Part III. Proceedings of the Linnean Society of New South Wales, series 2, 1 (1): 21–126.

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