
Zonal geraniums Pelargonium × hortorum, copyright Forest & Kim Starr.

Belongs within: Malvidae.
Contains: Geranium.

The Geraniales are a group of plants with contorted corollas bearing nectaries outside the androecium, and capsular fruits. Members include the Geraniaceae, a family of mostly herbaceous plants. Species of Geraniaceae usually bear fruits with a prominent beak; members of the genus Erodium are known as heron's bills or storksbills in reference to this feature. Garden geraniums are mostly species of the genus Pelargonium.

Characters (from the Angiosperm Phylogeny Website): Vessel elements with simple perforation plates; nodes also 3<:3<; lamina margins gland-toothed; inflorescence cymose; corolla contorted; nectary outside androecium, opposite calyx; anthers obdiplostemonous; gynoecium opposite petals, stigma dry; outer integument 2–3 cells across, inner integument 2–3 cells across; fruit capsular; seed testal.

<==Geraniales WM09
    |--Tremandraceae T00
    |    |--Platytheca galioides T00, GK00
    |    `--Tremandra diffusa T00
    |--Francoaceae [Bersamoideae, Ledocarpaceae, Melianthaceae, Melianthales, Melianthoideae, Vivianiaceae] APG16
    |    |--+--Francoa APG16
    |    |  `--Greyia [Greyiaceae] APG16
    |    |--+--Rhynchothecoideae [Rhynchothecaceae] T00
    |    |  |--Viviania [Vivianiaceae, Vivianioideae] APG16
    |    |  |    `--V. marifolia WM09
    |    |  `--Ledocarpoideae T00
    |    |       |--Balbisia T00
    |    |       `--Wendtia T00
    |    |            |--W. gracilis WM09
    |    |            `--W. reynoldsi D03
    |    `--+--Melianthus Tournefort 1694 APG16, D01 [incl. Diplerisma Planchon 1851 D01]
    |       |    |--M. comosus D01
    |       |    `--M. major D01
    |       `--Bersama Fresenius 1837 APG16, D01 [incl. Natalia Hochstetter 1841 D01; Bersamaceae]
    |            |--B. abyssinica D01
    |            |--B. lucens D01
    |            |--B. stayneri D01
    |            |--B. swynnertonii D01
    |            |--B. transvaalensis D01
    |            `--B. tysoniana D01
    `--Geraniaceae WM09
         |--Hypseocharis bilobata WM09
         |--Geranium A61
         |--Macraea Lindl. 1828 KC01
         |--Sarcocaulon CV06
         |    |--S. inerme CV06
         |    |--S. marlothii CV06
         |    `--S. peniculinum CV06
         |--Monsonia PP07
         |    |--M. deserticola CV06
         |    |--M. drudeana CV06
         |    |--M. ignorata CV06
         |    |--M. senegalensis PP07
         |    `--M. trilobata CV06
         |--Erodium M99
         |    |--E. aureum KM08
         |    |--E. botrys OS04
         |    |--E. brachycarpum [incl. E. obtusiplicatum] H93
         |    |--E. ciconium H91
         |    |--E. cicutarium KM08
         |    |--E. crinitum M99
         |    |--E. cygnorum KM08
         |    |--E. gruinum PT98
         |    |--E. laciniatum AGF98
         |    |--E. macrophyllum H93
         |    |--E. malacoides PT98
         |    |--E. moschatum GK00
         |    |--E. stephanianum O88
         |    `--E. texanum H93
         `--Pelargonium L’Hér. 1787 A61
              |--P. alchemilloides CM09
              |--P. australe H87
              |--P. capitatum SM06
              |--P. cortusifolium CV06
              |--P. × domesticum H93
              |--P. graveolens J87
              |--P. grossularioides H93
              |--P. × hortorum [P. inquinans × P. zonale] H93
              |--P. havlasae OS04
              |--P. inodorum Willd. 1809 A61 (see below for synonymy)
              |--P. inquinans H93
              |--P. littorale GK00
              |--P. mirabile CV06
              |--P. otaviense CV06
              |--P. panduriforme H93
              |--P. paniculatum CV06
              |--P. peltatum H93
              |--P. quercifolium C06
              |--P. rodneyanum M99
              |--P. vitifolium H93
              `--P. zonale MH98

Pelargonium inodorum Willd. 1809 A61 [=Geranium inodorum Poir. 1812 A61; incl. P. clandestinum L’Hér. ex DC. 1824 A61, P. australe var. clandestinum C06, P. erodioides Hook. 1834 A61, P. australe var. erodioides Benth. 1863 A61]

*Type species of generic name indicated


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