
Silky pocket mouse Perognathus flavus, copyright Bob Beatson.

Belongs within: Heteromyidae.

The Perognathinae, pocket mice, are two genera Perognathus and Chaetodipus (sometimes united in a single genus) of small mouse-like heteromyid rodents found in arid regions of western North America. Their relationship is supported by biochemical data (Hafner & Hafner 1983).

<==Perognathinae HH83
    |--Chaetodipus Merriam 1889 HH83
    |    |--*C. spinatus [=Perognathus spinatus] HH83
    |    |--C. anthonyi Osgood 1900 [=Perognathus anthonyi] HH83
    |    |--C. arenarius Merriam 1894 [=Perognathus arenarius] HH83
    |    |--C. artus [=Perognathus artus] HH83
    |    |--C. baileyi [=Perognathus baileyi] HH83
    |    |--C. californicus [=Perognathus californicus] HH83
    |    |--C. dalquesti Roth 1976 [=Perognathus dalquesti] HH83
    |    |--C. fallax Merriam 1889 [=Perognathus fallax] HH83
    |    |--C. formosus (Merriam 1889) [=Perognathus formosus] HH83
    |    |--C. goldmani [=Perognathus goldmani] HH83
    |    |--C. hispidus [=Perognathus (Chaetodipus) hispidus] HH83
    |    |    |--C. h. hispidus MB86
    |    |    |--‘Perognathus’ h. spilotus Merriam 1899 B75
    |    |    `--‘Perognathus’ h. zacatecae Osgood 1900 MB86
    |    |--C. intermedius [=Perognathus intermedius] HH83
    |    |--C. lineatus Dalquest 1951 [=Perognathus lineatus] HH83
    |    |--C. nelsoni (Merriam 1894) HH83, MB86 [=Perognathus nelsoni HH83]
    |    |--C. penicillatus [=Perognathus penicillatus] HH83
    |    |    |--C. p. penicillatus MB86
    |    |    `--‘Perognathus’ p. eremicus Mearns 1898 MB86
    |    `--C. pernix [=Perognathus pernix] HH83
    `--Perognathus Wied-Neuwied 1839 HH83
         |--P. alticola IT07
         |--P. amplus IT07
         |--P. fasciatus MH03
         |--P. flavescens MH03
         |    |--P. f. flavescens B75
         |    `--P. f. perniger Osgood 1904 B75
         |--P. flavus MH03
         |    |--P. f. flavus MB86
         |    |--P. f. medius Baker 1954 MB86
         |    |--P. f. pallescens Baker 1954 MB86
         |    `--P. f. parviceps Baker 1954 MB86
         |--P. gidleyi MH03
         |--P. inornatus IT07
         |--P. longimembris HH83
         |    |--P. l. longimembris HD37
         |    `--P. l. panamintinus HD37
         |--P. merriami NB83
         |    |--P. m. merriami NB83
         |    `--P. m. gilvus NB83
         |--P. parvus HH83
         |    |--P. p. parvus HD37
         |    `--P. p. olivaceus HD37
         |--P. pearlettensis MH03
         `--P. xanthanotus IT07

*Type species of generic name indicated


[B75] Bowles, J. B. 1975. Distribution and biogeography of mammals of Iowa. Special Publications, The Museum, Texas Tech University 9: 1–184.

[HH83] Hafner, J. C., & M. S. Hafner. 1983. Evolutionary relationships of heteromyid rodents. In Biology of Desert Rodents. Great Basin Naturalist Memoirs 7: 3–29.

[HD37] Hall, E. R., & S. D. Durrant. 1937. A new kangaroo mouse (Microdipodops) of Utah and Nevada. Journal of Mammalogy 18 (3): 357–359.

[IT07] Isaac, N. J. B., S. T. Turvey, B. Collen, C. Waterman & J. E. M. Baillie. 2007. Mammals on the EDGE: conservation priorities based on threat and phylogeny. PloS One 2 (3): e296.

[MH03] Martin, R. A., R. T. Hurt, J. G. Honey & P. Peláez-Campomanes. 2003. Late Pliocene and Early Pleistocene rodents fom the northern Borchers Badlands (Meade County, Kansas), with comments on the Blancan-Irvingtonian boundary in the Meade Basin. Journal of Paleontology 77 (5): 985–1001.

[MB86] Matson, J. O. & R. H. Baker. 1986. Mammals of Zacatecas. Special Publications, Museum of Texas Tech University 24: 1–88.

[NB83] Nikolai, J. C. & D. M. Bramble. 1983. Morphological structure and function in desert heteromyid rodents. Great Basin Naturalist Memoirs 7: 44–64.

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