
The light-margined ribbon worm Cerebratulus marginatus, photographed by James Zhan.

Belongs within: Nemertea.
Contains: Monostilifera.

The Neonemertea is a clade of nemertean worms identified by molecular analysis (Thollesson & Norenburg 2003). It unites the clades Hoplonemertea, in which the eversible proboscis is armed by one or more stylets, and Pilidiophora, whose members possess a distinctive larval form called a pilidium.

    |--Hoplonemertea [Enopla] TN03
    |    |  i. s.: Arenonemertes K86
    |    |           |--A. microps Friedrich 1933 K86
    |    |           `--A. minutus Friedrich 1949 K86
    |    |         *Prostomatella arenicola Friedrich 1935 K86
    |    |         Otonemertes K86
    |    |           |--O. denisi Dawydoff 1937 K86
    |    |           `--O. marcusi Corrêa 1958 K86
    |    |         Geonemertes G02
    |    |           |--G. caeca Darbishire 1909 (n. d.) G02
    |    |           `--G. spirospermia Darbishire 1909 (n. d.) G02
    |    |--Monostilifera TN03
    |    `--Polystilifera [Pelagica] TN03
    |         |--Nectonemertes mirabilis Verrill 1892 TN03
    |         `--+--Pelagonemertes TN03
    |            `--+--Phallonemertes murrayi (Brinkmann 1912) TN03
    |               `--Protopelagonemertes TN03
    `--Pilidiophora TN03
         |--Hubrechtidae TN03
         |    |--Hubrechtia TN03
         |    `--Sundbergia Gibson 2002 G02
         |         `--*S. albula Gibson 2002 G02
         |--Hubrechtellidae C03
         |    |--Tetramys C03
         |    |--Coeia C03
         |    `--Hubrechtella Bergendal 1902 C03
         |         |--H. alba Gibson 1997 C03
         |         |--H. dubia Bergendal 1902 TN03
         |         |--H. juliae Chernyshev 2003 C03
         |         |--H. malabarensis Gibson 1979 C03
         |         `--H. sinimarinus Gibson & Sundberg 1999 C03
         `--Heteronemertea TN03
              |  i. s.: Heteroenopleus enigmaticus Wern 1998 G02
              |--Riserius [Riseriellidae] TN03
              |    `--R. pugetensis Norenburg 1993 TN03
              |--Baseodiscus Diesing 1850 [Valenciniidae] G02
              |    |--*B. delineatus (Della Chiaje 1825) G02
              |    |--B. australis (Hubrecht 1887) [=Eupolia australis] G02
              |    `--B. giardii (Hubrecht 1887) [=Eupolia giardii] G02
              `--Lineidae TN03
                   |  i. s.: Craticulineus Gibson 1984 G02
                   |           `--*C. novaezealandiae Gibson 1984 G02
                   |--Notospermus Huschke 1830 TN03, G02
                   |    `--*N. geniculatus (Delle Chiaje 1828) G02, TN03 (see below for synonymy)
                   `--+--+--Tenuilineus TN03
                      |  |    |--‘Lineus’ alborostratus Takakura 1898 TN03
                      |  |    `--T. bicolor (Verrill 1892) TN03
                      |  `--Micrura Ehrenberg 1828 TN03, G02
                      |       |--*M. fasciolata Ehrenberg 1828 G02
                      |       |--M. alaskensis Coe 1901 TN03
                      |       `--M. pleuropolia Cantell 1994 G02
                      `--+--Lineus TN03
                         |    |  i. s.: L. bilineatus GO06
                         |    |         L. gesserensis S72
                         |    |         L. lacteus [=Nemertes lacteus] K92
                         |    |         L. ruber K92
                         |    |--L. viridis (Müller 1774) TN03
                         |    `--+--*L. longissimus (Gunnerus 1770) TN03
                         |       `--Ramphogordius [incl. Myoisophagus Riser 1994] TN03
                         |            |--*R. lacteus Rathke 1843 G02
                         |            `--R. sanguineus (Rathke 1799) TN03 (see below for synonymy)
                         `--+--+--Parbolasia corrugatus (McIntosh 1876) TN03
                            |  `--Parvicirrus dubius (Verrill 1879) TN03
                            `--Cerebratulidae G02
                                 |--Adenorhagas Riser 1990 G02
                                 |    `--*A. aurantiafrons Riser 1990 G02
                                 |--Praealbonemertes Cantell 1993 G02
                                 |    `--*P. whangateaunienses Cantell 1993 G02
                                 `--Cerebratulus Renier 1804 TN03, G02
                                      |--*C. marginatus Renier 1804 G02, TN03
                                      |--C. angulatus G02
                                      |--C. angusticeps Hubrecht 1887 G02
                                      |--C. hepaticus G02
                                      |--C. lacteus (Leidy 1851) SS07
                                      |--C. macroren Hubrecht 1887 G02
                                      |--C. macrorrhochmus (Schmarda 1859) (see below for synonymy) G02
                                      |--C. macrostomus (Schmarda 1859) [=Meckelia macrostoma] G02
                                      `--C. parkeri Hubrecht 1887 G02

Cerebratulus macrorrhochmus (Schmarda 1859) [=Meckelia macrorrhochma, C. macrorhochmus (l. c.); incl. M. capensis Diesing 1862] G02

*Notospermus geniculatus (Delle Chiaje 1828) G02, TN03 [=Polia geniculata G02; incl. Micrura tridacnae G02]

Ramphogordius sanguineus (Rathke 1799) TN03 [=Planaria sanguinea G02, Lineus sanguineus K92, Myoisophagos sanguineus G02; incl. L. nigricans G02, L. socialis G02, L. vegetus G02]

*Type species of generic name indicated


[C03] Chernyshev, A. V. 2003. New species of the genus Hubrechtella (Nemertea, Anopla) from the Sea of Japan and validation of the family Hubrechtellidae. Russian Journal of Marine Biology 29: 333-336.

[G02] Gibson, R. 2002. The Invertebrate Fauna of New Zealand: Nemertea (ribbon worms). NIWA Biodiversity Memoir 118. National Institute of Water and Atmospheric Research: Wellington.

[GO06] Giribet, G., A. Okusu, A. R. Lindgren, S. W. Huff, M. Schrödl & M. K. Nishiguchi. 2006. Evidence for a clade composed of molluscs with serially repeated structures: Monoplacophorans are related to chitons. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the USA 103 (20): 7723-7728.

[K86] Kirsteuer, E. 1986. Nemertina. In Stygofauna Mundi: A Faunistic, Distributional, and Ecological Synthesis of the World Fauna inhabiting Subterranean Waters (including the Marine Interstitial) (L. Botosaneanu, ed.) pp. 72-75. E. J. Brill / Dr. W. Backhuys: Leiden.

[K92] Kozloff, E. N. 1992. The genera of the phylum Orthonectida. Cahiers de Biologie Marine 33: 377-406.

[SS07] Struck, T. H., N. Schutt, T. Kusen, E. Hickman, C. Bleidorn, D. McHugh & K. M. Halanych. 2007. Annelid phylogeny and the status of Sipuncula and Echiura. BMC Evolutionary Biology 7: 57.

[S72] Stunkard, H. W. 1972. Clarification of taxonomy in the Mesozoa. Systematic Zoology 21 (2): 210-214.

[TN03] Thollesson, M., & J. L. Norenburg. 2003. Ribbon worm relationships: A phylogeny of the phylum Nemertea. Proceedings of the Royal Society of London Series B – Biological Sciences 270: 407-415.

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