
Celery Apium graveolens, copyright Adam Grubb and Annie Raser-Rowland.

Belongs within: Apiaceae.
Contains: Mulineae, Bupleurum, Pleurospermeae, Perideridia, Scandiceae, Smyrnieae, Aciphylla, Anisotome, Pyramidoptereae, Heracleum, Peucedaneae, Cymopterus, Lomatium.

The Apioideae are a major subgroup of apiaceous plants in which the flowers are pedicelled in umbers, with styles arising from stylopodia, and fruits are distinctly ribbed (Allan 1961).

<==Apioideae [Ammineae, Apieae] DK-DW00
    |--Heteromorpheae DK-DW00
    |    |--Heteromorpha DK-DW00
    |    |    |--H. arborescens DK-DW00
    |    |    `--H. papillosa CV06
    |    `--+--Glia prolifera DK-DW00
    |       `--Anginon DK-DW00
    |            |--A. rugosum DK-DW00
    |            `--A. streyi CV06
    `--+--Bupleurum DK-DW00
       `--+--Pleurospermeae DK-DW00
          `--+--+--Komarovia anisosperma DK-DW00
             |  |--Parasilaus asiaticus DK-DW00
             |  `--‘Hansenia’ Turcz. 1884 nec Karst. 1879 nec Zopf 1883 DK-DW00, KC01
             `--+--Erigenia bulbosa DK-DW00
                `--+--Oenantheae DK-DW00
                   |    |  i. s.: Berula erecta DK-DW00, H93
                   |    |         Neogoezia DK-DW00
                   |    |         Cynosciadium DK-DW00
                   |    |         Lilaeopsis Greene 1891 DK-DW00, A61
                   |    |           |--L. lacustris Hill 1927 [incl. Crantzia lineata Hooker 1853 non Nutt. 1818] A61
                   |    |           |--L. masonii H93
                   |    |           |--L. novae-zelandiae (Dand.) Hill 1927 (see below for synonymy) A61
                   |    |           |--L. occidentalis H93
                   |    |           |--L. orbicularis Hill 1928 A61
                   |    |           `--L. polyantha GK00
                   |    |         Helosciadum DK-DW00
                   |    |           |--H. leptophyllum C55a
                   |    |           `--H. nodiflorum C55b
                   |    |--Perideridia DK-DW00
                   |    `--+--+--Cryptotaenia japonica DK-DW00
                   |       |  `--+--Oxypolis occidentalis DK-DW00
                   |       |     `--Sium DK-DW00
                   |       |          |--S. latifolium DK-DW00
                   |       |          `--S.suave [incl. S. cicutaefolium, S. lineare] C52
                   |       `--+--Oenanthe DK-DW00
                   |          |    |--O. crocata C52
                   |          |    |--O. pimpinelloides H93
                   |          |    `--O. sarmentosa H93
                   |          `--Cicuta DK-DW00
                   |               |--C. douglasii H93
                   |               |--C. maculata H93
                   |               |    |--C. m. var. maculata H93
                   |               |    |--C. m. var. angustifolia [incl. C. occidentalis, C. valida] H93
                   |               |    `--C. m. var. bolanderi H93
                   |               `--C. virosa Linnaeus 1753 UP03
                   `--+--Scandiceae DK-DW00
                      |--+--‘Ligusticum’ canadense DK-DW00
                      |  |--‘Ligusticum’ porteri DK-DW00
                      |  `--Conioselinum DK-DW00
                      |       |--*C. tataricum DK-DW00
                      |       |--C. chinense DK-DW00
                      |       |--C. pacificum H93
                      |       `--C. scopulorum DK-DW00
                      |--+--Smyrnieae DK-DW00
                      |  `--Aciphylleae DK-DW00
                      |       |--Aciphylla DK-DW00
                      |       |--Anisotome DK-DW00
                      |       |--Gingidia DK-DW00
                      |       |--Lignocarpa DK-DW00
                      |       `--Scandia DK-DW00
                      |            |--S. geniculata P04
                      |            `--S. rosifolia W96 (see below for synonymy)
                      `--+--Aegopodium clade DK-DW00
                         |    |  i. s.: Aegokeras [incl. Olymposciadium] DK-DW00
                         |    |         Rhabdosciadium DK-DW00
                         |    |         Grammosciadium DK-DW00
                         |    |         Cyclospermum leptophyllum DK-DW00, K10
                         |    |--Aegopodium DK-DW00
                         |    |    |--A. alpestre DK-DW00
                         |    |    `--A. podagraria HM07
                         |    `--+--Falcaria vulgaris DK-DW00
                         |       `--+--Fuernrohria setifolia DK-DW00
                         |          `--Carum DK-DW00
                         |               |--C. carvi O88
                         |               |--C. multiflorum S98
                         |               `--C. petroselinum C06
                         |--+--+--Conium maculatum DK-DW00
                         |  |  |--+--Prangos pabularia DK-DW00
                         |  |  |  `--+--Smyrniopsis aucheri DK-DW00
                         |  |  |     `--Opopanax hispidus DK-DW00
                         |  |  `--Pimpinella DK-DW00
                         |  |       |--P. anisum KSM06
                         |  |       |--P. peregrina DK-DW00
                         |  |       |--P. saxifraga WH02
                         |  |       `--P. tibetanica O88
                         |  `--+--Capnophyllum dichotomum DK-DW00
                         |     `--+--+--Anethum L. 1753 DK-DW00
                         |        |  |    `--A. graveolens L. 1753 L95
                         |        |  `--+--Ridolfia segetum DK-DW00
                         |        |     `--Foeniculum Mill. 1754 DK-DW00, L95
                         |        |          |--F. officionale BM76
                         |        |          `--F. vulgare Miller 1768 (see below for synonymy) L95
                         |        `--Apium Linnaeus 1753 DK-DW00, A61
                         |             |--A. annuum GK00
                         |             |--A. australe Thouars 1804 (see below for synonymy) A61
                         |             |    |--A. a. var. australe A61
                         |             |    |--A. a. var. angustisectum Wolff 1927 A61
                         |             |    `--A. a. var. latisectum Wolff 1927 A61
                         |             |--A. dulce TG88
                         |             |--A. filiforme (Rich.) Hooker 1852 (see below for synonymy) A61
                         |             |--A. graveolens Linnaeus 1753 CanDoy07
                         |             `--A. nodiflorum CS77
                         `--+--Pyramidoptereae DK-DW00
                            `--+--Arafoe aromatica DK-DW00
                               |--Coriandrum L. 1753 DK-DW00, L95
                               |    `--C. sativum L. 1753 L95
                               |--+--Thyselium palustre DK-DW00
                               |  `--‘Ferula’ assa-foetida DK-DW00
                               |--+--Cnidiocarpa alaica DK-DW00
                               |  |--Cnidium silaifolium DK-DW00
                               |  |--'Ligusticum’ ferulaceum DK-DW00
                               |  `--'Ligusticum’ physospermifolium DK-DW00
                               |--Heracleum clade DK-DW00
                               |    |--Heracleum DK-DW00
                               |    |--Zosima orientalis DK-DW00
                               |    `--Tordylium DK-DW00
                               |         |--T. aegaeum PT98
                               |         |--T. aegyptiacum DK-DW00
                               |         |--T. apulum PT98
                               |         |--T. maximum H91
                               |         `--T. parviflora C55b
                               `--+--Peucedaneae DK-DW00
                                  |--Chymsydia colchica DK-DW00
                                  |--Imperatoria ostruthium DK-DW00 [=Peucedanum ostruthium C55b]
                                  |--+--Endressia castellana DK-DW00
                                  |  `--Seseli DK-DW00
                                  |       |--S. diffusum [incl. S. indicum] VS73
                                  |       |--S. krylovii DK-DW00
                                  |       `--S. libanotis DK-DW00
                                  |--Rocky Mountain umbellifers DK-DW00
                                  |    |  i. s.: Cymopterus DK-DW00
                                  |    |         Lomatium DK-DW00
                                  |    |         Musineon DK-DW00
                                  |    |         Neoparrya DK-DW00
                                  |    |         Podistera nevadensis DK-DW00, H93
                                  |    |         Taenidia DK-DW00
                                  |    |--Shoshonea pulvinata DK-DW00
                                  |    `--+--Zizia aurea DK-DW00
                                  |       `--Thaspium pinnatifidum DK-DW00
                                  `--Arracacia clade DK-DW00
                                       |  i. s.: Dahliaphyllum DK-DW00
                                       |         Donnellsmithia DK-DW00
                                       |         Enantiophylla DK-DW00
                                       |         Coaxana DK-DW00
                                       |         Mathiasella DK-DW00
                                       |--+--'Arracacia’ brandegei DK-DW00
                                       |  |--Coulterophytum laxum DK-DW00
                                       |  |--Prionosciadium turneri DK-DW00
                                       |  `--Rhodosciadium argutum DK-DW00
                                       `--+--Myrrhidendron donnell-smithii DK-DW00
                                          `--Arracacia Bancroft 1828 DK-DW00, L95
                                               |--A. nelsonii DK-DW00
                                               `--A. xanthorrhiza Bancroft 1825 [incl. A. esculenta DC. 1830] L95

Apioideae incertae sedis:
  Tana bojeriana LWT03
  Diplaspis T00
  Dichosciadium T00
  Klotzschia T00
  Stilbocarpa Gray 1854 T00, A61
    `--S. polaris (Homb. & Jacq.) Gray 1854 [=Aralia polaris Homb. & Jacq. ex Hooker 1844] A61
  Azilia eryngioides DK-DW00
  Cortia depressa DK-DW00
  Karatavia kultiassovii DK-DW00
  Lithosciadium multicaule DK-DW00
  Phlojodicarpus popovii DK-DW00
  Spermolepis DK-DW00
    |--S. echinata H93
    `--S. inermis DK-DW00
  Sphaenolobium tianschanicum DK-DW00
  Tommasinia verticillaris DK-DW00
  Mulineae T00
  Coxella Cheesem. & Hemsl. 1911 A61
    `--C. dieffenbachii (Muell.) Cheesem. & Hemsl. 1911 (see below for synonymy) A61
  Ammi AGF98
    |--A. majus AGF98
    `--A. visnaga H93
  Echinophoreae DK-DW00
    |--Echinophora spinosa DK-DW00, C74
    |--Dicyclophora DK-DW00
    `--Pycnocycla DK-DW00
  Deverra triradiata DK-DW00
  Naufraga balearica DK-DW00
  Petroselinum Hill 1756 DK-DW00, L95
    |--P. crispum (Mill.) Nyman ex Hill (see below for synonymy) L95
    |--P. sativum MH98
    `--P. segetum TG88
  Oligocladus CalDow07
  Annesorhiza CalDow07
  Lichtensteinia CalDow07
    |--L. obscura CalDow07
    `--+--L. lacera CalDow07
       `--L. trifida CalDow07

Apium australe Thouars 1804 [incl. A. prostratum Labill. 1804, Petroselinum prostratum DC. 1830] A61

Apium filiforme (Rich.) Hooker 1852 [=Petroselinum filiforme Rich. 1832, A. prostratum var. filiforme Kirk 1899] A61

Coxella dieffenbachii (Muell.) Cheesem. & Hemsl. 1911 [=Gingidium dieffenbachii Muell. 1864, Aciphylla dieffenbachii Kirk 1899, Angelica dieffenbachii Benth. & Hooker 1867, Ligusticum dieffenbachii Hooker 1867] A61

Foeniculum vulgare Miller 1768 [incl. Anethum funiculum L. 1753, F. funiculum (L.) Karsten 1882] L95

Lilaeopsis novae-zelandiae (Dand.) Hill 1927 [=Crantzia novae-zelandiae Gandoger 1918] A61

Petroselinum crispum (Mill.) Nyman ex Hill [=Apium crispum Mill. 1768; incl. A. petroselinum L. 1753, Wydleria portoricensis DC. 1829] L95

Scandia rosifolia W96 [=Angelica rosaefolia Hooker 1843 W96, Anisotome rosaefolia Hooker 1853 A61; incl. Ligusticum aromaticum Banks & Solander ms non Hooker 1864 W96]

*Type species of generic name indicated


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