
Common periwinkle Littorina littorea, copyright Anita Gould.

Belongs within: Littorinoidea.

The Littorininae are a group of periwinkles found in the littoral fringe, characterised by the production of dimorphic spermatozoa including paraspermatic nurse cells, and egg capsules via a capsule gland (Reid 1989).

Littorininae [Littorinae]
    |--Cenchritis von Martens 1900 R89
    |--Nina Gray 1850 BR17 [incl. Echininus Clench & Abbott 1942 BR05; Echinininae]
    |    `--*N. cumingii (Philippi 1846) [=Trochus cumingii, *Echininus cumingii] BR17
    |--Mainwaringia Nevill 1885 R89
    |    `--*M. paludomoidea (Nevill 1884) [=Melania (*Mainwaringia) paludomoidea] P84
    |--Tectarius Valenciennes 1833 BR05, BR17 [incl. Echinella Swainson 1840 R89; Tectariinae]
    |    |--*T. coronatus Valenciennes 1832 S98
    |    |--T. malaccanus (Philippi 1847) [=Littorina malaccana] H09
    |    |--T. muricatus (Linnaeus 1758) S98
    |    |--T. nodulosus (Gmelin 1791) [=Trochus nodulosus] H09
    |    |--T. pagodus Linnaeus 1758 WG71
    |    `--T. pyramidalis H15
    |--Littoraria Griffith & Pidgeon 1834 R89
    |    |--L. angulifera (Lamarck 1822) AS06
    |    |--L. articulata E96
    |    |--L. cingulata W08
    |    |    |--L. c. cingulata W08
    |    |    `--L. c. pristissini W08
    |    |--L. filosa MD13
    |    |--L. flammea CG99
    |    |--L. flava (King & Broderip 1832) AS06
    |    `--L. undulata Gray 1839 BW09
    |--Peasiella Nevill 1885 R89
    |    |--*P. tantilla (Gould 1849) (see below for synonymy) R89
    |    |--P. conoidalis (Pease 1868) (see below for synonymy) R89
    |    |--P. infracostata (Issel 1869) (see below for synonymy) R89
    |    |--P. isseli (Semper in Issel 1869) (see below for synonymy) R89
    |    |--P. lutulenta Reid 1989 R89
    |    |--P. minuta (Deshayes 1824) (see below for synonymy) R89
    |    |--P. pontileviensis (Morgan 1915) (see below for synonymy) R89
    |    |--P. reyti (Cossmann & Peyrot 1917) [=Pseudonina reyti] R89
    |    `--P. roepstorffiana (Nevill 1885) (see below for synonymy) R89
    |--Melarhaphe Menke 1828 R89 [=Melarapha Cristofori & Jan 1832 R66, Melaraphe (l. c.) BR17; Melarhaphidae]
    |    |--M. neritoides (Linnaeus 1758) P61, R77 (see below for synonymy)
    |    |--M. acutispira H15
    |    |--M. cincta (Quoy & Gaimard 1833) P61
    |    |--M. infans H15
    |    |--M. mauritiana H15
    |    |--M. mausseneti (Cossmann 1907) TTE93
    |    |--M. oliveri Finlay 1930 P61
    |    |--M. punctata [=Littorina punctata] PP64
    |    |--M. rissoides (Deshayes 1861) TTE93
    |    |--M. scabra H15
    |    |--M. scutulata (Gould 1849) O27 (see below for synonymy)
    |    |--M. unifasciata Gray 1826 WG71
    |    |--M. zelandiae Finlay 1927 F27
    |    `--M. ziczac (Gmelin 1791) (see below for synonymy) A64
    `--Littorina Férussac 1822 BR05
         |  i. s.: L. aberrans Philippi 1846 PP78
         |         L. acicularis Stoliczka 1868 S98
         |         L. albicarinata McLean 1970 BC01
         |         L. anatina [=Paludina anatina] G40
         |         L. angulifera C59
         |         L. arcana Hannaford Ellis 1978 CC96
         |         L. aspera C64
         |         L. brevicula ZLK11
         |         L. coccinea (Martyn 1784) [=Limax coccineus] H09
         |         L. columellaris G79
         |         L. conspersa C64
         |         L. fasciata PB27
         |         L. filosa PRM96
         |         L. flava G79
         |         L. infans F27
         |         L. irrorata Say 1822 R77
         |         L. kurila C64
         |         L. lineolata Orbigny 1842 (see below for synonymy) A64
         |         L. littoralis C60 [=Nerita litoralis J64]
         |         L. mariae Sacchi & Rastelli 1966 R77
         |         L. mauritiana (Lamarck 1822) F27 [=Phasianella mauritiana H09]
         |         L. melanacme Smith 1876 H09
         |         L. melanostoma F66
         |         L. muriatica [=Turbo muriaticus] G40
         |         L. muricata PB27
         |         L. nebulosa (Lamarck 1822) [=Phasianella nebulosa] H09
         |         L. neglecta CC96
         |         L. nigrolineata Gray 1839 R77
         |         L. nodulosa [incl. L. dilatata, L. tuberculata] G79
         |         L. obesa F66
         |         L. obtusata GD00
         |         L. pallescens Philippi 1846 H09
         |         L. palliata H15
         |         L. philippii [incl. L. dubiosa, L. parvula, L. penicillata] C64
         |         L. picta Philippi 1846 R77
         |         L. pintado Wood 1828 R77
         |         L. pulchra PB27
         |         L. pullata C64
         |         L. saxatilis ZLK11
         |         L. scabra (Linnaeus 1758) R77 [=Helix scabra H09; incl. Buccinum lineatum Gmelin 1791 A64]
         |         L. tenebrosa C64
         |         L. tessellata Philippi 1847 A64 (see below for synonymy)
         |         L. tigrina G79
         |         L. ulvae G40
         |         L. undulata Gray 1839 H09
         |         L. varia PB27
         |--*L. (Littorina) littorea (Linnaeus 1758) O27, P77 [=Turbo littoreus O27; incl. L. grandis C64]
         |--L. (Algamorda Dall 1918) O27
         |    |--L. (A.) castanea (Carpenter 1865) [=Paludinella castanea] O27
         |    |--L. (A.) newcombiana (Hemphill 1876) [=Paludinella newcombiana] O27
         |    `--L. (A.) subrotundata (Carpenter 1865) [=Assiminea subrotunda] O27
         |--L. (Algaroda Dall 1918) O27
         |    `--L. (A.) squalida Broderip & Sowerby 1829 O27
         `--L. (Littorivaga Dall 1918) O27
              |--L. (L.) aleutica Dall 1872 O27
              |--L. (L.) atkana Dall 1886 O27
              |--L. (L.) groenlandica Menke 1830 O27
              |--L. (L.) planaxis Philippi 1847 O27 [incl. L. patula C64, L. tenebrata Phil. 1845 C64]
              |--L. (L.) rudis (Manton 1797) O27, R77 [=Turbo rudis O27]
              `--L. (L.) sitchana Philippi 1845 O27 (see below for synonymy)

Nomen nudum: Melarhaphe rupestris R66

Littorina lineolata Orbigny 1842 [incl. L. carinata Orbigny 1842 non Sowerby 1819, L. crassior Philippi 1847, L. jamaicensis Adams 1850] A64

Littorina tessellata Philippi 1847 A64 [incl. Phasianella lineata Lamarck 1822 non Buccinum lineatum Gmelin 1791 A64, L. lineata G79]

Littorina (Littorivaga) sitchana Philippi 1845 O27 [incl. L. cincta Gld. 1847 C64, L. sitchana var. modesta C64, L. subtenebrosa C64, L. sulcata C64]

Melarhaphe neritoides (Linnaeus 1758) P61, R77 [=Littorina neritoides P61; incl. Turbo caerulescens R66, M. coerulescens R66, Paludina glabrata Pfeiffer 1828 P61, BR17, *M. glabrata BR17]

Melarhaphe scutulata (Gould 1849) O27 [=Littorina (Melarhaphe) scutulata O27; incl. L. lepida C64, L. pedroana Conrad 1855 C64, L. plena C64]

Melarhaphe ziczac (Gmelin 1791) [=Littorina ziczac; incl. L. debilis Philippi 1846, L. dispar Montagu 1815, L. dorbignyana Philippi 1847] A64

Peasiella conoidalis (Pease 1868) [=Trochus conoidalis, Risella (Peasiella) conoidalis; incl. Echinella gaidei Montrouzier in Souverbie & Montrouzier 1879, R. (P.) gaidei] R89

Peasiella infracostata (Issel 1869) [=Risella infracostata; incl. Cyclostrema fuscopiperata Turton 1932, R. (Peasiella) tantillus var. subinfracostata Nevill 1885] R89

Peasiella isseli (Semper in Issel 1869) [=Risella isseli; incl. R. isseli var. carinata Pallary 1926, R. isseli var. mauritiana Viader 1951, Trochus sismondae Issel 1869, R. isseli var. undata Pallary 1926] R89

Peasiella minuta (Deshayes 1824) [=Trochus minutus, Bembicium minutum, Risella minuta; incl. Xenophora bouryi Cossmann 1888] R89

Peasiella pontileviensis (Morgan 1915) [=Xenophora (Haliphaebus) pontileviensis, Circulus pontileviensis; incl. Tornus orthezensis Cossmann & Peyrot 1918, C. orthezensis] R89

Peasiella roepstorffiana (Nevill 1885) [=Risella (Peasiella) roepstorffiana; incl. R. balteata Preston 1908, R. (P.) templiana var. nigrofasciata Nevill 1885, R. (P.) templiana var. subimbricata Nevill 1885, R. (P.) templiana Nevill 1885] R89

*Peasiella tantilla (Gould 1849) [=Trochus tantillus, Bembicium tantillum, Risella (Peasiella) tantilla, R. (P.) tantillus; incl. Margarita angulata Adams 1853, Trochus diminutivus Reeve 1862, Risella parvula Dunker 1861, R. (Peasiella) tantillus var. parvula] R89

*Type species of generic name indicated


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[R89] Reid, D. G. 1989. Systematic revision of the Recent species of Peasiella Nevill, 1885 (Gastropoda: Littorinidae), with notes on the fossil species. Nautilus 103 (2): 43–69.

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