
Apical view of Pericosmus latus, from the Natural History Museum.

Belongs within: Atelostomata.
Contains: Hemiaster, Schizaster.

The Hemiasterina are a lineage of heart urchins known from the Lower Cretaceous to the present, characterised by the presence of a peripetalous fasciole (Fischer 1966).

Characters (from Fischer 1966): Petaloid spatangoids having peripetalous fasciole, sometimes combined with lateroanal or marginal fasciole, but none with subanal fasciole. Apical system ethmophract to ethmolytic. Primary spines rarely developed.

<==Hemiasterina F66
    |--Aeropsidae F66
    |    |--Aeropsis Mortensen 1907 [=Aerope Jeffreys 1876 nec Leach 1813 nec Albers 1860] F66
    |    |    `--*A. rostrata (Wyville Thomson 1877) [=*Aerope rostrata] F66
    |    `--Aceste Wyville Thomson 1877 [=Acestina Lambert & Thiéry 1924] F66
    |         `--*A. bellidifera Wyville Thomson 1877 [=*Acestina bellidifera] F66
    |--Pericosmus Agassiz 1847 [incl. Megalaster Duncan 1877; Pericosmidae] F66
    |    |  i. s.: P. compressus (Duncan 1877) H86, F66 [=*Megalaster compressus F66; incl. Meoma crawfordi H86]
    |    |         P. melanostomus MD66
    |    |--*P. (Pericosmus) latus (Agassiz 1847) [=Micraster (*Pericosmus) latus] F66
    |    |--P. (Lambertona Sánchez Roig 1952) F66
    |    |    `--P. (*L.) lamberti (Sánchez Roig 1924) [=Victoriaster lamberti] F66
    |    `--P. (Victoriaster Lambert 1920) F66
    |         `--P. (*V.) gigas M’Coy 1882 F66
    |--Palaeostomatidae F66
    |    |--Homoeaster Pomel 1883 F66
    |    |    `--*H. tunetanus Pomel 1883 F66
    |    |--Lambertiaster Gauthier 1892 F66
    |    |    `--*L. douvillei Gauthier 1892 F66
    |    |--Leiostomaster Lambert 1920 F66
    |    |    `--*L. gentili Lambert 1920 F66
    |    |--Ornithaster Cotteau 1886 F66
    |    |    `--*O. evaristei Cotteau 1886 F66
    |    `--Palaeostoma Lovén in Agassiz 1872 (see below for synonymy) F66
    |         |--*P. mirabile (Gray 1851) [=*Leskia mirabilis] F66
    |         `--*Skouraster’ rochi Lambert 1937 F66
    |--Hemiasteridae F66
    |    |--Hemiaster F66
    |    |--Cheopsia Fourtau 1908 F66
    |    |    `--*C. mortenseni Fourtau 1908 F66
    |    |--Crucibrissus Lambert 1920 F66
    |    |    `--*C. integer (de Loriol 1891) [=Macropneustes integer] F66
    |    |--Distefanaster Checchia-Rispoli 1902 F66
    |    |    `--*D. garganicus Checchia-Rispoli 1902 F66
    |    |--Ditremaster Munier-Chalmas 1885 F66
    |    |    `--*D. nux (Desor 1853) [=Hemiaster nux] F66
    |    |--Hernandezaster Sánchez Roig 1949 F66
    |    |    `--*H. hernandezi Sánchez Roig 1949 F66
    |    |--Heterolampas Cotteau 1862 F66
    |    |    `--*H. maresi Cotteau 1862 F66
    |    |--Holcopneustes Cotteau 1889 F66
    |    |    `--*H. gourdoni (Cotteau 1887) [=Trachyaster gourdoni] F66
    |    |--Isopetalum Lambert 1911 [incl. Homoianthoides Lambert 1920] F66
    |    |    `--*I. pseudoverticale Oppenheim 1900 [=Linthia pseudoverticale] F66
    |    |--Opissaster Pomel 1883 F66
    |    |    `--*O. polygonalis Pomel 1883 F66
    |    |--Palhemiaster Lambert 1916 F66
    |    |    `--*P. peroni Lambert 1916 F66
    |    |--Sarsiaster Mortensen 1950 F66
    |    |    `--*S. griegii Mortensen 1950 F66
    |    |--Vomeraster Lambert 1920 F66
    |    |    `--*V. verrucosus (Coquand 1862) [=Hemiaster verrucosus] F66
    |    |--Washitaster Lambert 1927 F66
    |    |    `--*W. riovitsae (Adkins 1920) [=Hemiaster riovitsae] F66
    |    `--Hypsopatagus Pomel 1869 [=Hypsospatangus Cotteau 1890; incl. Trachypneustes Munier-Chalmas 1891] F66
    |         |--*H. (Hypsopatagus) meneghini (Desor 1858) [=Macropneustes meneghini, *Hypsospatangus meneghini] F66
    |         `--H. (Leiopneustes Cotteau 1885) [incl. Stenopatagus Lambert 1911] F66
    |              `--H. (*L.) antiquus (Agassiz 1847) [=Brissus antiquus] F66
    `--Schizasteridae [Schizasterinae] F66
         |--Schizaster F66
         |--Bathyspatus Pomel 1883 (n. d.) A66
         |--Amphipneustes Koehler 1900 [=Antipneustes Koehler 1926] F66
         |    `--*A. lorioli Koehler 1900 [=*Antipneustes lorioli] F66
         |--Hemifaorina Jeannet & Martin 1937 F66
         |    `--*H. tuber (Herklots 1854) [=Hemiaster tuber] F66
         |--Hemigymnia Arnaud 1898 F66
         |    `--*H. aturica Arnaud 1898 F66
         |--Parabrissus Bittner 1880 F66
         |    `--*P. pseudoprenaster Bittner 1880 F66
         |--Peribrissus Pomel 1869 F66
         |    `--*P. saheliensis Pomel 1869 F66
         |--Pseudobrissus Lambert 1905 F66
         |    `--*P. corsicus (Cotteau 1877) [=Brissus corsicus] F66
         |--Schizopneustes Thiéry 1907 [=Dipneustes Arnaud 1891 non Hoernes 1866] F66
         |    `--*S. aturicus (Arnaud in Cotteau 1891) [=*Dipneustes aturicus] F66
         |--Diploporaster Mortensen 1950 F66
         |    |--*D. barbatus Mortensen 1950 F66
         |    `--D. savignyi F66
         |--Faorina Gray 1851 [=Favorina (l. c.); incl. Atrapus Troschel 1851, Sinaechinus Hayasaka 1948] F66
         |    |--*F. chinensis Gray 1851 F66
         |    `--F. kawaguchii (Hayasaka 1948) [=*Sinaechinus kawaguchii] F66
         |--Periaster d’Orbigny 1853 F66
         |    |--*P. elatus (Desmoulins 1837) [=Spatangus elatus] F66
         |    `--P. obesus O75
         |--Tripylus Philippi 1845 [=Hamaxitus Troschel 1851; incl. Parapneustes Koehler 1912] F66
         |    |--*T. excavatus Philippi 1845 [=*Hamaxitus excavatus] F66
         |    `--*Parapneustes’ cordatus Koehler 1912 F66
         |--Proraster Lambert 1895 [incl. Sanfilippaster Checchia-Rispoli 1932] F66
         |    |--*P. atavus (Arnaud in Cotteau 1883) [=Schizaster atavus] F66
         |    |--P. geayi Cotteau 1908 [=*Sanfilippaster geayi] F66
         |    `--P. jukesii (Gray 1851) MG-H11
         |--Abatus Troschel 1851 [incl. Pseudabatus Koehler 1911, Parabatus (l. c.), Spatagodesma Agassiz 1898] F66
         |    |--*A. cavernosus (Philippi 1845) [=Spatangus (Tripylus) cavernosus] F66
         |    |--*Spatagodesma’ diomedae Agassiz 1898 F66
         |    `--*Pseudabatus’ nimrodi Koehler 1911 F66
         |--Brisaster Gray 1855 [incl. Indiaster Lambert 1920, Lymanaster Lambert 1920] F66
         |    |--*B. fragilis (Düben & Koren 1844) F66 [=Brissus fragilis F66, Tripylus fragilis BK77]
         |    |--B. indicus Koehler 1914 [=*Indiaster indicus] F66
         |    `--B. townsendi (Agassiz 1898) BK77, F66 [=Schizaster townsendi F66, *Lymanaster townsendi F66]
         |--Moira Agassiz 1872 [=Moera Michelin 1855 nec Leach 1814 nec Adams 1851] F66
         |    |--*M. (Moira) atropos (Lamarck 1816) (nom. cons.) [=Spatangus atropos, *Moera atropos] F66
         |    `--M. (Moiropsis Agassiz 1881) F66
         |         `--M. (*M.) claudicans (Agassiz 1879) [=Schizaster claudicans] F66
         |--Agassizia Agassiz & Desor 1847 [=Agassisia] F66
         |    |--*A. (Agassizia) scrobiculata Agassiz & Desor 1847 F66
         |    `--A. (Anisaster Pomel 1886) [incl. Eoagassizia Grant & Hertlein 1938] F66
         |         |--A. (*A.) gibberula Cotteau 1876 F66
         |         `--*Eoagassizia’ alta Grant & Hertlein 1938 F66
         |--Linthia Desor 1853 [incl. Escheria Desor 1853 non Heer 1847] F66
         |    |--L. (Linthia) F66
         |    |    |--*L. (L.) insignis Desor 1853 F66
         |    |    `--L. (L.) sudanensis F66
         |    `--L. (Lutetiaster Lambert 1920) F66
         |         `--L. (*L.) subglobosa (Lamarck 1816) [=Spatangus subglobosus] F66
         `--Prenaster Desor 1853 F66
              |--*P. (Prenaster) alpinus Desor 1853 F66
              |--P. (Protenaster Pomel 1883) [=Desoria Gray 1851 non Nicollet 1842] F66
              |    `--P. (*P.) australis (Gray 1851) [=*Desoria australis] F66
              `--P. (Salviniaster Lambert 1911) F66
                   `--P. (*S.) migueli (Lambert 1911) [=*Salviniaster migueli] F66

Palaeostoma Lovén in Agassiz 1872 [=Leskia Gray 1851 non Robineau Desvoidy 1830; incl. Skouraster Lambert 1937] F66

*Type species of generic name indicated


[A66] Anon. 1966. Doubtful nominal genera of echinoids. In: Moore, R. C. (ed.) Treatise on Invertebrate Paleontology pt U. Echinodermata 3 vol. 2 pp. U633. The Geological Society of America, Inc., and The University of Kansas Press.

[BK77] Barel, C. D. N., & P. G. N. Kramers. 1977. A survey of the echinoderm associates of the north-east Atlantic area. Zoologische Verhandelingen 156: 1–159.

[F66] Fischer, A. G. 1966. Spatangoids. In: Moore, R. C. (ed.) Treatise on Invertebrate Paleontology pt U. Echinodermata 3 vol. 2 pp. U543–U628. The Geological Society of America, Inc., and The University of Kansas Press.

[H86] Hutton, F. W. 1886. Notes on some Australian Tertiary fossils. Proceedings of the Linnean Society of New South Wales, series 2, 1 (2): 481–482.

[MG-H11] McEnnulty, F. R., K. L. Gowlett-Holmes, A. Williams, F. Althaus, J. Fromont, G. C. B. Poore, T. D. O’Hara, L. Marsh, P. Kott, S. Slack-Smith, P. Alderslade & M. V. Kitahara. 2011. The deepwater megabenthic invertebrates on the western continental margin of Australia (100–1100 m depths): composition, distribution and novelty. Records of the Western Australian Museum Supplement 80: 1–191.

[MD66] Melville, R. V., & J. W. Durham. 1966. Echinoids—skeletal morphology. In: Moore, R. C. (ed.) Treatise on Invertebrate Paleontology pt U. Echinodermata 3 vol. 1 pp. U220-U251. The Geological Society of America, Inc., and The University of Kansas Press.

[O75] Owen, R. 1875. On fossil evidences of a sirenian mammal (Eotherium aegyptiacum, Owen) from the nummulitic Eocene of the Mokattam cliffs, near Cairo. Quarterly Journal of the Geological Society of London 31: 100–105.

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