
Red-necked wallaby Macropus rufogriseus, photographed by J. J. Harrison.

Belongs within: Macropodini.

Macropus is a genus of mostly grass-eating kangaroos, including the larger living kangaroos and a number of smaller wallabies.

<==Macropus Shaw 1790 ICZN66 [incl. Yerbua Forster 1778 (nom. rej.) R64]
    |  i. s.: M. bennetti [incl. Protemnodon rufogrisea frutica] M64
    |         M. bicolor O81
    |         M. dryas De Vis 1895 LA02
    |         M. narada Bartholomai 1978 LA02
    |         M. rama Bartholomai 1975 LA02
    |         M. ruficollis F71
    |         M. woodsi Bartholomai 1975 LA02
    |--+--+--M. dorsalis (Gray 1837) CB-E04, CO03
    |  |  `--M. parma CB-E04
    |  |--+--M. greyi CB-E04 [=Wallabia greyi WJ26]
    |  |  `--M. irma Jourdan 1837 CB-E04, RL05
    |  |--+--M. parryi Bennett 1835 CB-E04, S11 [=Protemnodon parryi S61]
    |  |  `--M. rufogriseus CB-E04
    |  `--+--M. eugenii (Desmarest 1817) CB-E04, CO03
    |     `--M. (Notamacropus Dawson & Flannery 1985) LA02
    |          |--M. (*N.) agilis (Gould 1842) LA02
    |          `--M. (N.) thor (De Vis 1895) LA02
    `--+--+--M. bernardus Rothschild 1904 CB-E04, S11
       |  `--+--+--M. altus WH02
       |     |  `--M. robustus Gould 1841 CB-E04, S02 [=Osphranter robustus CMR63]
       |     |       |--M. r. robustus COA02
       |     |       `--M. r. erubescens COA02
       |     `--+--M. rufus (Desmarest 1822) CB-E04, S02 [=Megaleia rufa M64]
       |        `--M. (Osphranter Gould 1842) LA02
       |             |--M. (*O.) antilopinus (Gould 1842) LA02
       |             `--M. (O.) pavana Bartholomai 1978 LA02
       `--+--M. fuliginosus Desmarest 1817 CB-E04, RL05 [=M. major fuliginosus S61]
          |    |--M. f. fuliginosus COA02
          |    `--M. f. melanops COA02 [=M. major melanops S61]
          `--M. (Macropus) [incl. Fissuridon Bartholomai 1973] LA02
               |--*M. (M.) giganteus Shaw 1790 ICZN66 (see below for synonymy)
               |    |--M. g. giganteus LA02
               |    |--M. ‘major’ ocydromus S61
               |    |--M. g. tasmaniensis USDI77 [=M. major tasmaniensis S61]
               |    `--M. g. titan Owen 1838 LA02, F71
               |--M. (M.) ferragus Owen 1874 LA02 [=Pachysiagon ferragus F71]
               |--M. (M.) mundjabus Flannery 1980 LA02
               |--M. (M.) pan De Vis 1895 LS01
               `--M. (M.) pearsoni (Bartholomai 1973) [=*Fissuridon pearsoni] LA02

*Macropus (Macropus) giganteus Shaw 1790 ICZN66 [=Mus canguru Statius Müller 1776 (nom. rej.) CMR63, Didelphis canguru ICZN66, Didelphys canguru ICZN66, Jaculus canguru ICZN66, Macropus canguru ICZN66, Wallabia canguru CMR63, Yerbua kangaru ICZN66, Zerbua canguru ICZN66, Jaculus giganteus Erxleben 1777 (nom. rej.) ICZN66, Didelphis giganteus ICZN66, Didelphys giganteus ICZN66, Yerboa gigantea Zimmermann 1777 (nom. inv.) R64, Macropus major Shaw 1800 CMR63]

*Type species of generic name indicated


[CMR63] Calaby, J. H., G. Mack & W. D. L. Ride. 1963. The generic name Macropus Shaw, 1790 (Mammalia). Z.N.(S.) 1584. Bulletin of Zoological Nomenclature 20 (5): 376-379.

[CO03] Cameron, S. L., & P. J. O’Donoghue. 2003. Trichostome ciliates from Australian marsupials. II. Polycosta gen. nov. (Litostomatea: Polycostidae fam. nov.) European Journal of Protistology 39: 83-99.

[COA02] Cameron, S. L., P. J. O’Donoghue & R. D. Adlard. 2002. Species diversity within Macropodinium (Litostomatea: Trichostomatia): endosymbiotic ciliates from Australian macropodid marsupials. Memoirs of the Queensland Museum 48 (1): 49-69.

[CB-E04] Cardillo, M., O. R. P. Bininda-Emonds, E. Boakes & A. Purvis. 2004. A species-level phylogenetic supertree of marsupials. Journal of Zoology 264: 11-31.

[F71] Fletcher, H. O. 1971. Catalogue of type specimens of fossils in the Australian Museum, Sydney. Australian Museum Memoir 13: 1-167.

[ICZN66] ICZN. 1966. Opinion 760: Macropus Shaw, 1790 (Mammalia): addition to the official list together with the validation under the plenary powers of Macropus giganteus Shaw, 1790. Bulletin of Zoological Nomenclature 22 (5-6): 292-295.

[LA02] Long, J., M. Archer, T. Flannery & S. Hand. 2002. Prehistoric Mammals of Australia and New Guinea: One Hundred Million Years of Evolution. University of New South Wales Press: Sydney.

[M64] Mykytowycz, R. 1964. Coccidia in wild populations of the red kangaroo, Megaleia rufa (Desmarest), and the grey kangaroo, Macropus canguru (Müller). Parasitology 54: 105-115.

[O81] O’Brien, C. O. 1981. A. A. Book of New Zealand Wildlife: A guide to the native and introduced animals of New Zealand. Lansdowne Press: Auckland.

[RL05] Rafferty, C., & B. B. Lamont. 2005. Selective feeding by macropods on vegetation regenerating following fire. Journal of the Royal Society of Western Australia 88 (4): 155-165.

[R64] Ride, W. D. L. 1964. A list of mammals described from Australia between the years 1933 and 1963 (comprising newly proposed names and additions to the Australian faunal list). Australian Mammal Society Bulletin 7 (Suppl.): 1-15.

[S61] Sharman, G. B. 1961. The mitotic chromosomes of marsupials and their bearing on taxonomy and phylogeny. Australian Journal of Zoology 9 (1): 38-60.

[S11] Smales, L. R. 2011. New species and new locality records of the nematode genus Labiosimplex (Strongylida: Chabertiidae) from macropodid marsupials in Western Australia. Records of the Western Australian Museum 26 (2): 183-190.

[USDI77] USDI (United States Department of the Interior). 1977. Endangered and threatened wildlife and plants—republication of list of species. Federal Register 42: 36420-36431.

[WJ26] Wood Jones, F. 1926. The R. M. Johnston Memorial Lecture, 1925. The mammalian toilet and some considerations arising from it. Papers and Proceedings of the Royal Society of Tasmania 1925: 14-62.

[WH02] Worthy, T. H., & R. N. Holdaway. 2002. The Lost World of the Moa: Prehistoric life of New Zealand. Indiana University Press: Bloomington (Indiana).

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